Vac plumbing


New Member
Hey guys,

My plumbing seems to be all over the shop and i just wanna sort it out so ill be putting up pictures of where elverything goes and hopefully work through it all.

Ive looked over the factory manual showing where the vac lines are suppose to be, i think most of its right but some of it might be in the wrong places.

Ill start with the PCV valve. its basically shot and is just rattling alot, ive been told to just block it off and then block off all the piping that goes to the butterflies. In short this would be a vac leak?

I have a blowoff valve that has a line running to one of the nipples on the tb, the ones where the sleeves go on. Not sure if its suppose to go there but thats where it is.

Ill take some pictures and go from there, will be easier that way i think.

By the way, whats factory vac at idle. I sit on about 10-11 vac at idle.



New Member

At cold idle

When warmed up

Boost line from actuator

where the boost line goes into the intake manifold

Just the top plumbing

another of the top plumbing

Thats the 3 way tee that goes from the air chamber behind the block, from that tee one goes to the FPR and the other goes to the charcoal canister.

The other line that goes from the air chamber is blocked off.

The BOV has a line going to one of the Vac ports on top here, you can see the pipe going from one of the vac ports that usually has a cover on it.

This is the only way i could get the images on here because they are all to big and alot of stuffing around.

Looking voer all of these can you see anything wrong with any of them?

And does my Vac pressure look about right for cold and warn idle?



New Member
Can anyone clarify that this plumbing looks to be ok and that my vac pressure at cold and warm idle look fine?


New Member
There pretty clear and ive explained them all, i think id confuse myself trying to make up a diagram.


Active Member
have you done a search on 'air box' or 'vac lines' as I found good info on here when i dropped my engine and forgot how they all connected...

(has your engine and wiring been sprayed silver?)


New Member
bump on this, i gotta try and work through it the car is running like crap.

What do you need to know?

The car has like 10-12 vac at idle and as rough as shit.


New Member
Thought i might ressurect this thread because i still havent fixed my plumbing.

I have a few hoses that are just blocked off using bolts and stuff like that which i wana fix up.

That hose goes to the boost controller which is just a tee boost. Is this right?

There is also another little hose underneath the throttle body and its just got a screw in it and i have no idea where it goes.

The yellow hose goes from the fuel pressure reg to the t peice that connect to the other 2 hoses, 1 goes to the air chamber and 1 goes to the charcoal canister.


Active Member
right, use post three on this and check they are all exactly how it mentions.

next use the diagram shown below to check all your other hoses:

I found when i was doing mine that it was easier to just start fresh and systematically go though each connection and tick them off as i went along.

i ditched the carbon cannister on mine, i just found it was extra connections to leak! do a search on here and there are plenty of threads saying how to remove it.

Does this help more?


New Member
Top - goes to a T piece in the shape of a "Y". One goes to the fuel pressure regulator and the other goes to the boost pressure sensor located on the inside of the n/s front wing.

THis one im not sure about, the boost sensor? not even sure if i still have one.

The Y peice i have goes from the air chamber, to the Y peice, then 1 of the pipes off that goes to the fuel pressure reg and the other goes to the charcoal.

On the weekend ill get the car up on ramps and see if i can work through most of these with the info given.

There is still one thats right underneath the throttle body opening, a tiny vac line id say, and it has a screw in it, not sure what it is.


New Member
Pay for my flight and i'll come and fix it for you :thumbsup:

Just need to know if your running a carbon canister and what aftermarket items your running that require a vac feed i.e. boost guage, EVC etc. Also, you planning on keeping the carbon canister if you have one?


New Member
Mr GTiR said:
Pay for my flight and i'll come and fix it for you :thumbsup:

Just need to know if your running a carbon canister and what aftermarket items your running that require a vac feed i.e. boost guage, EVC etc. Also, you planning on keeping the carbon canister if you have one?
If its not needed we can piss it off and make everythign so much simpler.

I have a boost guage and dont forget i dont have a gtir, i have a n14 pulsar.

Its a stock engine running a front mount thats all. I dont have the instrument cluster the gtir has or anything like that.

The only aftermarket thing i have is the boost guage and a t peice boost controller.

Hopefully that will help


New Member
TO make sure i dont have vac leaks behind the manifold id basically have to take it off and fit all new hoses? it would be to hard to do it on the car.

Do the gaskets need to be replaced or can i use a bit of gasket goo or something?

As shown in this picture with all the hoses connecting up to the air chammber, can all of those basically be blocked off?