walbro fuel pump


Active Member
i had a look n cant find nothing from the search function :shock: so here goes....can i use the walbro 255l pump i have as a inline fuel pump
i.e leave the stock pump in the tank n just cut the line further up n insert the walbro :D :p


Active Member
if u put a swirl pot in the line and then convert the walboro to external fittings i guess but not worth it unless ur aiming for real ig p[ower then amy aswell use a bigger pump aswell
walboro in tank will be fine to around 500bhp mark


Active Member
the reason i ask is cos of the pick up of fuel i dont like the sound of the car stuttering at 1/4 of a tank :shock:

Mr Overboooost

just use the pickup off of the standard pump and then you wont have a problem .



I used the standard pick up point and I still suffer from the stutter at 1/4 of a tank :(

But I have to be really throwing it around the corner :wink:

Will eventually upgrade to a swirl pot and another Walbro fuel pump, search on Takikara for the Attain swirl pot 8)

Or any of you guys got a better solution as it is starting to really piss me off :evil:


Active Member
Crazy said:
Or any of you guys got a better solution as it is starting to really naughty me off :evil:
Could you try a bit of flexible hose between the filter and fuel pump, to locate the filter 'lower' in the tank and allow the filter to follow the movement of the fuel ? Or am i way off the mark ?


New Member
Crazy said:
Or any of you guys got a better solution as it is starting to really naughty me off :evil:
keep the tank full :roll: :wink:

it aint difficult to work out that one is it matey :wink: :lol:


Could you try a bit of flexible hose between the filter and fuel pump, to locate the filter 'lower' in the tank and allow the filter to follow the movement of the fuel ? Or am i way off the mark ?
Anythings worth a try mate, thanks for the suggestion :wink:

keep the tank full

it aint difficult to work out that one is it matey :wink: :D
Thats true :oops:
But sometimes on the way home when I am just getting onto 1/4 of a tank and some geezer in a P1 starts trying to eat my back bumper I would like to do him through some nice corners around my way :wink:
Or then again I am sure he would be willing to wait until I had been to the cash point :roll: and then gone to the Petrol Station to fill up my petrol :roll: :D

Thanks for the tip though Kieron :D


Active Member
kieron said:
Crazy said:
Or any of you guys got a better solution as it is starting to really naughty me off :evil:
keep the tank full :roll: :wink:

it aint difficult to work out that one is it matey :wink: :lol:
take just means the fuel tank is smaller than it should be i want it just like the original :p


You must have done something wrong, I fitted a Walbro with no problems, I can run the tank right down to and past the reserve light with no problems... not sure how far it would go before it stopped but I have no problems at all.... :wink:


No mate, I can run it until the red light is on no probs :wink:

The problem is that if I really :twisted: throw the car into a left hand corner and I mean really throw.................tyres screeching and passengers :shock: type I get a little stutter :(


Sorry mate, idn't quite understand, Ours gets thrown arounbd a bit on no fuel, which happens often as it eats sooo much!!! the only thing I can think is that the pickup is not quite as low as it could be... perhaps you are sucking a bit or air up on low tank... with the sloshing around it picks up soe for a second or two...

Only thing to do is have the thing apart and see how it is fitted.. maybe it has moved or fell off maybe..

have you looked since you fitted it?


Yes mate we had a fuel tank leak last week and my mate Shaun had a good look over it and said it was fine mate :wink:

Think I may get him to double check it just incase 8)

Or maybe you are not throwing your car into left hand corners hard enough :p :twisted: