WANTED! Oz alloy wheel


New Member

One of my wheels is buckled!

Not sure what the name of this wheel is- the words 'OZ, rally and compomotive' seem to bring up simular ones on e bay but 100x4 are rare and its hard to know what wheel is suitable for the GTI-R. Does anyone have a single one or two they want to sell, 15inch?

Just a shot in the dark?


Badly buckled Ben?

Not just get it repaired? There is an alloy specialist about a mile from my house that has repaired many a buckle and even 3 inch cracks in wheels etc. very good.


New Member
Would that imply that they are magnesium compound? I'm pretty sure they're not otherwise it would have magnesium stamped on the side or so I've been told???


New Member
Not sure if its repairable or not, something to do with the buckle being on the inside or outside of the rim but its £72 just for them to have a go


New Member
I've got it booked in to get straightened next friday but I'm still looking for a single replacement if anyone has one


Get it repaired for now, even if they can get it as near as straight it will be fine and you will barely notice, put it on the back.

Then just wait for a spare to come about :lol:


New Member
Had the wheel repaired today. There was two flat spots on it both were smashed out or whatever it is that they do! Job Jobbed