Water Pump Fitment Tricks of the Trade


New Member
This weekend I will be mostly fitting a new water pump and belts.

I have the How To Guide on this area so am clued up on how to fit the pump, however i just thought before i start the job i would ask you lot if you had any tricks of the trade when it comes to fitting this from your own experiences.

Fire away:-D



Copied from my addition on the how to ;-)

I found its worth removing the bracket attached to the block that the engine mount bolts to. Its a Kind of a T shaped bracket with two bolts at the top, one at the bottom and another just above thats attached to the alternator pivot point. With this removed it gave a good few inches of extra clearance to work in and maked refitting the new pump a damn site easier.

Those extra inches do make a difference you see Ant ;-) :lol: :lol: Its not difficult from what I remember, just fiddley, especially getting it back in place without getting sealant everywhere apart from where its supposed to be!!!! :doh: :doh:

That How to guide is a good one though :thumbsup:

Good luck with it mate :thumbsup:



New Member
you can put sealant on the pump with it next to the hole. take the power steering bottle out aswell as it would really help you. good luck. try not to swear too much.


New Member
Thanks guys, to be honest i think i will be taking as much as poss off in order to make things a little easier. I dont have the best temprement for these things sometimes so i cant assure you i wont swear lol.

What did you guys use for the sealant? I asked for a price of the stuff Nissan supply and he said £32+VAT:shock: :der: Ive used other stuff before so i was just wondering whether i am stuck with getting Nissan sealant (which i doubt and hope not lol) or i can use stuff ive used before or go to Halfrauds :lol: :lol:

Thanks again.



Active Member
You can get it from any motor factor. Just use high temp silicon sealant, it'll normally say on it what it's suitable for !

You'll need a long reach 10mm open ended/ring spanner, to make the job easier. Infact, try to have all your long reach spanners handy !
As has been said. It's not difficult at all, just fiddly as a fiddly thing from fiddly town !

Good luck !


New Member
Well its done now, nice shiny new water pump and new nissan belts8)

Worked first time, no leaks no nasty things happened etc so im a happy chappy.

Big thanks to my cousin and my dad who gave me a hand. It took us a while but to be honest we weren't really rushing to get it done which was probably why nothing went wrong:shock:

We started at 10:00pm Friday lol and finished at 5:00am ish Saturday morning:lol: :lol:

Below is a list in order of the things we did to complete the job:

- Before pushing the car into the garage, take the bottom radiator hose off the radiator ensuring you dont crack the radiator by pushing and pulling to much (Being carefull if water is still hot / warm).
- Push the car into the garage and get the heating on lol (Applies only if winter)
- Jack the car up and place axle stands under to ensure safety.
- Take drivers side wheel off car.
- Take the small splash guard off the front of the inner wing of the car.
- Slide under car and loosen the pivot bolts for the power steering pump and alternator.
- Back to the top, loosen off the power steering pump adjuster block bolt and slacken off the adjuster.
- Slacken off the alternator adjuster.
- Push the alternator and power steering pump to slacken the belts.
- Remove the alternator belt first then the power steering belt.
- Using a lever to trap the water pump pulley wheel in place, remove the four 10mm bolts holding the wheel to the pump housing.
- Slacken off the water pump bolts you can reach.
- Place a jack with a large piece of wood under the corner of the oil sump and take the weight of the engine.
- Unbolt drivers top engine mount unit.
- Unbolt the power steering pump pipe bracket attached to inner wing of car.
- Remove engine mount bracket attached to the engine (T shaped).
- Using the jack holding the engine, raise and lower to aid removal of the water pump bolts.
- When all bolts are removed from water pump being carefull of water spilling from pump housing and block pull the water pump away from the block (You may need a mop to get rid of any water that comes out after the removal).
- Using a soft wire buffing wheel on your dremmel or similar remove the old silicone sealant and clean until shiny with no debris.
- Clean the inside of all the dust etc.
- Clean the face of the new water pump to ensure no dirt is on the surface, apply a decent bead of hermitie or other similar water pump silicone sealant (Nissan cost £32+VAT:shock: ) NOTE: It may be worth while to look at the route you will have to take to get the new pump in place and without touching the sealant, a dry dummy run may be useful.
- Clean the bolts of any alloy nasties.
- Once surfaces are prepped and sealant is applied, slide pump into position avoiding obstacles.
- Replace bolts in water pump and tighten loosly until all are in place. Once in place tighten on an opposites technique.
- Consult Nissan or manual for torque settings.
- Replace the pulley wheel using a lever to aid in the tightening.
- Whilst engine mount is off replace new belts (remember water pump first then alternator).
- Adjust the adjusters of the power steering pump and alternator and remember to tighten locking bolt on the adjuster block of the power steering pump. 6mm deflection is about right for both belts.
- Once the belts are in place and adjusted, replace power steering pipe bracket to inner wing of car.
- Bolt back the T shaped engine bracket, engine mount.
- Jack engine to correct height to aid reffitment of engine mount. Fit engine mount.
- Drop jack holding weight of engine.
- Fill radiator with 50:50 water and antifreeze, fill expansion bottle and start car with radiator cap off.
- Wait until water starts to overflow the radiator cap, then replace cap.
- Run car with fans on full and heating set to hot / max. Run for a good 30mins to ensure most of air in system is removed.
- Top up water in the expansion bottle (not cold water, room temp or hotter if poss).
- Take car for a good run, top up as needed. The top up will be needed probably for a couple of days until the system is completely removed of air.
- Sit back and enjoy your trouble free R water system.:lol:

The job is not that hard to be honest so dont be scared of getting your hands dirty.
