What A Dick


New Member
Has anyone ever locked their keys in their car or shut their bonnet and been able to open it up from the outside please help


New Member
its a 13 year old car, im sure its not difficult, a little coat hanger trick here or there, check the internet.


i did and i decided to just stick a screw driver in the boot lock and one smack with a hammer and it opened

then just discunect the bar once you are inside and yoor boot will then only open from the lever inside the car

then try find a lock to replace it with

and security on jap cars are pretty crap so it wont be that hard


Active Member
go to b&q get a length of 15mm copper pipe.
hammer it flat.
cut a V shaped notch near the end.
carefully pull the top rearmost corner of the driver's door out, use some wedgey shaped bits of wood to help hold it out.
just enough to get the pipe in and hook the boot release.

You may need to bend your flattened bit of pipe this way and that to get it too the right place but it's do-able.

You may have to manipulate your door back into shape afterwards!

And no, I'm not a tea-leaf.... just locked my keys in my car too many times - just happens the first time I was doing some plumbing and had a hammer to hand. It's worked on 3 cars so far.


or try this put about 10 hands on your window lots of people helping and use the grip on the palm of your hand to force the window down then get a coat hanger and try and loop it to the boot release. Only damage is the wondow needs reset.

Fire & skill

Vintage member
if you can get the bonnet open, remove the + lead from the battery, strike it off the terminal and it should open the doors - alarm will go off though


I hope KF79GTIR isn't a car thief, because now you've just told him every way possible to break into a Sunny :D:D:D


New Member
no my keys dont fit my locks only found this out after my battery went dead i have had my car sat on my driveway for about 7 weeks unlocked it has 2 imobalisers on it and didnt worry about it then i had to move it because the builders were doin some work on my house and i didnt want bricks landin on it one of them was looking at it to much so i locked it up then after gettin home from work i went to unlock it and i couldnt so if anyone has a set of locks with keys let me know


Staff member
This a bit dodgy telling him how to get into his car....everyone who comes on the forum who are thiefs are going to be putting this into practice. It should be done by pm for our own cars sake!


New Member
Delete the thread and sort this situation out with a pm or two...........................Moderators where are you:roll: :lol:

Sorry but cant take the chance with something like this imo



New Member
as if car thiefs dont know how to break in to a car anyway sorted now any way in and unlocked again jimmyback i will pm you