what happens with insurence claims????



on my way to sort out sum new wheels 2day,
stopped at traffic lights and the guy behind didn't, he was too busy giving abuse to sum1 and BANG!!

dented the rear end in and been told it's probly a write off!!


can't even close my boot now and my alarm keeps goin off!!!

it's insured for £3500 with adrian flux, what is likly to happen???

has any1 had anything like this happen to them???

needs new rear panel and bumper, boot needs repairing also,

any info would be great please guys


Active Member
its not your insurance its his that will pay out, he hit you from behind no excuse weather he was distracted or speeding he hit you ,he's at fault


what will they pay out roughly for a pulsar?

will they pay out for a sunny?

or will they actualy pay for pulsar?


Active Member
If its his fault, and you dont want your car written off, you can demand that his insurance company repairs your car. Personally I'd be in touch with my own insurance company and let them get the best deal for you.


i'm on the phone to them now lol, already thought bout that


New Member
You have to notify them that you have been involved in an accident. They will then write to the other guys insurance (or contact them some way) and get them to carry out an assessment and make the necessary arrangements for your car and your transport etc.

They will say its a write off and will offer you the money (prob market value for car) which will seem like they are stealing from you lol, but as others have said you can demand the car is repaired, unless of course the money they offer is adequate and you want it.

Let your insurance and his insurance do the work. However make sure you have all angles covered and make sure your insurance doesn't accept any liability for the accident i.e. his brake lights wasn't working mr insurance man, ok its a 80/20 split then.

Keep your wits about you.

Best of luck.



cheers mate,
i was already stopped tho, sat at traffic lights, he was giving abuse to the driver behind him and it looked like he pressed the loud pedal,


also....what is the market value for a standar pulsar??


Active Member
If he was going any great speed and you were stationary, prepare yourself for some whiplash. When I was hit I thought to myself, damn wish I could make a claim for whiplash but nothing was hurting, and then lo and behold a couple of days later I could hardly bl00dy move! Was in pain for weeks. Just to cheer you up like. :oops:


Active Member
best thing i did when i was hit was deal with it myself
told my company i had been hit
but i did all the phoning so it didnt effect my next premium
i said what had happen lady admitted it was her etc
they offered me 500 quid for a gti told them to find out was a gtir was they then paid for all repairs in full got a friends body shop to do it and had full car painted at her companies expense


i got 3500 for mine when it was written off mate, by someone smashing itno the back of me! dont forget to be down the hospital with your whiplash as i got another 1500 houndred on top for the whiplash


Staff member
I would ring the guys insurers up & go straight them. Even if you dont make a claim through your own and you just tell them they can still put the premium up (cheeky i know).

His insurers will try & not write the car off but it depends on how bad it is/ salvage category it is. Any other questions just pm me.



New Member
The exact same thing happened to me.

Some woman in an avensis just wasn't paying attention.

I got paid out £1300 for the repairs (new bumper, inforcer, back panel fixing and painting.)

I also got £1900 compensation for my, eermm, bad neck;-) As did my my 2 passengers.

Get a claim in mate. Easiest money I ever made.

Wish someone else would run into me (As my pulsar is off road and in my crappy 306!)


New Member
yes get a claim in mate say u got a bad back they cant prof that ul have big bucks a mate of mine had a broken ancle few years back he had £120000 he said he would happly go throught this again