what is it?



ive just finished stripping dean93's red n white car and now the shells gone to gtir heaven:twisted:

heres the question though!
have removed the fuel pump from the tank and its the biggest weirdest mother fcuker ive ever seen in my life:?
it has no filter, just a big bore chrome bent pipe that sits at the bottom of the tank, which is around an inch in diameter.
the pump just about fits in the existing cradle, with no movement to spare, and it weighs around twice that of an original pump, and has big heavy duty connections.

this thing could suck up around 1000 ltr per hour i reckon, it truly is fooking huge:-D :shock:

think im gonna have to fit it to my own car, just for the sheer hell of it, i reckon it was used to fuel an f1 car:lol:

any ideas what it is???


anyone else?
dont think its hiteq!

i will get a photo of it on monday if someone can put it on here for me


Well-Known Member
pulsarboby said:
the pump just about fits in the existing cradle, with no movement to spare, and it weighs around twice that of an original pump, and has big heavy duty connections
My fuel pump is like that, its a Bosch motorsport pump and it was a bit of a job to wedge it into the standard pump cradle :lol: Not sure about the pick up you described though :?

Does it look like this?



but at first impressions i thought it was a bosch 044 grp a pump.

il take it out the cradle tomorrow and take a photo of it, and perhaps some nice chappie can post the photo on here for me:-D

it looks like a hand held vacuum cleaner with a big polished allie sucker stuck on the end, really is the most unusual thing ive ever seen fitted in a tank.

think my brothers after it to use as a water pump for his swimming pool:lol: :lol:


Active Member
thats sounds exactly the same as i have in my car it came out of one we broke and the amount of fuel it flows it must be a 044 its definitely a bosch pump with a cover over bottom half and a 20-30 pipe that goes down into tank


could well be! all will become clear with the photo, im sure one of you's will know what it is


got some photos of this pump now.
who can put them up for me?


Active Member
yep thats exactly the same as mine i am pretty sure its an 044 thats been adapted
i do get the odd bit of surge with it on very tight round abouts when under 1/4
of a tank

must have been from same place as i have all the cable ties etc the same and the welded bits etc it MIGHT be from abbey as they did alot of work on the car the pump came off


so do you think this is better than a walbro or not?

cant really see the point in running a pump this big unless your running excess of 600 bhp!


New Member
ashills said:
must have been from same place as i have all the cable ties etc the same and the welded bits etc it MIGHT be from abbey as they did alot of work on the car the pump came off
didn't it have a norris group a pump or something silly on the recipets ?


Active Member
nah the group a norris one was in the shell u scrapped without taking my pump out of remember

bob these are a good quality pump and should in theory last longer than the cheap walboros bigger internals etc so less stress but either will be fine for 500+