What is this & where does it go...


Anyone who’s rebuilt the engine got any idea where the part below goes. I’m putting my engine back in at the weekend, and it’s the only bit I don’t recognise, ive looked at all my previous photos and the manuals but can’t find it.

It could be that it’s fallen in the box of R parts in the garage, but ive painted it at some point which leads me to believe it’s an R part.



Its ok peeps, just worked out where it goes…lol

It bolts from the block to the bracket that supports the side of the transfer box. :D


Active Member
:lol: Awesome post - just made me chuckle :lol:

Reminds me of when my mate did an engine swap in his 2.2 VTEC prelude (he blew the old one up). When the new engine was in the car we just stood around for a while with our hands on our chins trying to figure out what vacuum hoses went where :lol: In the end we resorted to looking at the bends in the hoses, and fastening them to the most likely spot :roll: :lol:

Engine turned over first time. It was just a shame he'd forgotten to fit the petrol returner pipe :wink:



Haha :lol:

I don’t know what I would have done without all the photos I took when I dismantled the engine!
The amount of times ive had to stick something in the thread to measure the hole to make sure im using the correct bolt! Lol Although ive replaced all non hi tensile bolts with stainless ones. :D