What the fck is KNC?

Big Sve

New Member
On the Apexi SAFCII, on one of the readouts it gives a reading for KNC or KNK. Ive always assumed it stood for knock (knock sensor or something?)

Now i am quite dense with engine noises i dont mind admitting so:

What is this reading?
What sort of behaviour/reading is normal? (ie stays static at 0? jumps around the numbers alot etc)
and What sort of problems could be diagnosed from this reading?

Know thats quite a vague question but my readings from it are so varied these days i dont know whats good or bad

Cheers lads


Active Member
Its is the knock reading off your standard knock sensor.
You have to set it up first tho when the engine is hot, in the afc2's settings menu somewhere.
This is a very basic knock moniter,but once set up properly i would say if its in the 80's-100's when on boost under load you may have a problem.

Big Sve

New Member
cheers for your help mate, i think i need to try and have a go at setting it up tomorrow when i get to work after getting it hot. the reading goes nuts as soon as the engine is up to temp (goes like 6,12,4,18,5,28,12,17,6,10 when the car is increasing in revs and moving, then settles at around 7,8 when stationary)

Think it worries me more that ive still got this rattly noise that increases with the revs even after changing my engine!!!! :-s answers on a postcard please :?