Wheres that gone..



Hi all,
I have seemed to of lost 4th gear!! :evil:
We we're on our way to Essex for my matses Cossie :? to be mapped. I came off a roundabout, up into 3rd then 4th, wasn't really giving anymore than half throttle, when clunk bang rattle!! :(
It sounded as if something was grinding on the floor, so we got out, (this was at about 5 in the morning so wasnt to aware of what was going on!!) couldnt see anything obvious. It wasnt exactly a great thing to happen when you've just woke up and feel like shit!!
When pulling away to turn around, it seemed as tho something was jamming and sort of 'skipping' over in the box?, hard to explain, as you can tell.
Any hoo turned round and drove home but could only get 3rd and 5th. 1st and 2nd are still in there but jammed and where fourth used to be there is now just a hole and nothing but rattling!! :evil:
Well it lasted a couple of months before I broke it!! :wink:
Anybody got any ideas or suggestions to what has happened?

Thanyou Please.


Still waiting on some shims!
Stripped a gear and dropped a bearing hence the lack of access to 1st and 2nd...

