not warming up



Hi all, need your help on where to start looking J

I recently changed the turbo on my car for another standard one, the car was then left for 3 months without being started. For the past month now I have been using it to run to work in (about 10 miles) and the car doesn’t warm up in that time. The temp gauge hardly moves and the heater as luke warm at best, does this sound like a thermostat problem as everything was fine before the turbo swap and I’m a little dubious of coincidences J

Any ideas?




yes i would say the stat either is jammed open or missing altogether!
also make sure the system is properly bled as that will cause probs also. theres a bleed point just to the left of the thermostat housing, run car with rad cap off and loosen the bleed nipple untill its just water thats coming out.


It always did warm up so I hope it isnt missing :)

i will have a go at bleeding it and try that first, then might have to pull out the stat and test that



New Member
its very cold weather now and if you drive ssensibly in this weather then the car wont get that hot. 3 months ago the weather was hotter so will make a difference as to how quick they warm up.
if i leave my van to warm up in the morning for 10mins, the temp gauge hardly moves!


yes i would say the stat either is jammed open or missing altogether!
also make sure the system is properly bled as that will cause probs also. theres a bleed point just to the left of the thermostat housing, run car with rad cap off and loosen the bleed nipple untill its just water thats coming out.

i just tried that, how long is it supposed to take? I removed the cap started the engine then loosened the bleed nipple but nothing came out after 10 mins on tickover.

is the car supposed to be hot first or something like that?



thanks for that although it seems odd that if i take the rad cap off there is coolant full to the top

i'll keep digging :)


if theres no coolant coming out of the bleed hole then its obviously been airlocked big time or theres some kind of blockage in the system.
are both the heater hoses stone cold that go through the bulkhead?

red reading

Active Member
could have a nismo thermostat fitted,as my car did it will not warm up in cold weather if it is.just go to the auto factors and order a standard stat,fit it and blead the car properly+ the blead bolt (if you have taken out the right one) could be blocked with sealent as i have had that in the past


If you changed the turbo when you split the water line you could well have introduced air bubbles into the system so what is needed is a slow bleed.

Make sure you bleed the engine with the engine off and coolant cold and dont be afraid to hand pump the bottom hose to help enduce any bubbles up the rad or block.

My R used to take about 2Mi before it would start to throw heat out in this weather another way you can test the heating matrix function is to fully warm the car up, remain stationary and turn the heat on full blast if its not really hot then theres a lack of coolant flow!

If all else fails then dont worry cos you can get some pink fluffy mittens with hat to match in the sales!