

Active Member
I'm going to ask a really stupid question but typ intxt spek m8 an giv u no info watsoeva sunfink juz appen an me car is bust an i wont tel yaz about teh prt i juz changd dat wil giv ya da info on wot is wrng wiv me car.mate

Why does it seem that everyone who has bought an R in the last 18 months can't string a sentance together in a reasonable manner, i'm not talking about perfect grammar or spelling but in a fashion that is easy to read?

And why ask a question and not give the full background to the problem?

ie the guy with the transmission locking up...he recently changed the transfer box and had the car towed with some wheels in contact with the road but neglected to tell us until some posts into the thread:doh:

SO, If you're wondering (do the ipod generation they have the brain power to do so?) why the piss is being taken you now know why.....

rx jamie

New Member
yep agreed. it is hard to understand them sometimes. but im a dad so im used to being patient when trying to extract information from illiterate people. namely a three your old daughter. same thing really same level of grammar lol


Active Member
3Yo daughter......yeah, she's probibly at the same level as some of the members LOL


New Member
Text speak isnt allowed on here anyway so they generally never last that long anyway :doh:


Active Member
when rob was on form he would just delete the user at the first sign of txt speaking but if he did that now half the users would be gone


Active Member
yeh but they is pur-chased a pulsar man (in the words of the chav-tastic)

"i is blingin on dubs now rocking in the drive thru wiv my massiv sheep dog."


Staff member
I agree. The problem is that English is a bit of a mongrel language; it is forever stealing words from other languages and using them as it's own. Look at how much 'common usage' creeps into dictionaries and compare that to the French (who will make up a new word rather than use one from another language). My favourite is 'proactive'; what the hell does that mean? Surely if you're not reactive, you're simply 'active' or perhaps 'assertive', and manybe you could be 'aggressive', but pro-active? You are professionally active? Forwardly active? There's an etymology to consider, you can't just make words up in America and put them in the dictionary because every says them without any thought. (Edit: My wife tells me that ProActive is actually a brand name for a acne treatment, which suggests to me that people don't even know where they got the word from in the first place. An acne treatment probably is pro-active!)

Sorry, I'll get back into my corner now. It just seems to me that the art of clear communication is dying; killed by laziness in the pursuit of a quick-fix.
You have 108 characters for a text message, why not use them to make whole words and sentences? Despite what other people say, I've never had a problem with predictive text. Finally, if the message is so important that you need to save time in writing it, why not.... and I know this is a long stretch, and a little crazy... call them instead?

I know this makes me sound like some grumpy curmudgeon, but if we can't keep good English going we might as well succumb to spelling things the ezy way like the Americans. The irony is that I've spent half my life in the Antipodes.
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i must say it is a fairly sweeping generalization to say that ALL new owners of Pulsars are partial to camping in a MacDonald's car park, tucking their tracky bottoms into their socks and screaming at old people. I have only owned mine for 14 months, having spent good money on a near original example.

However, i do concede that as performance cars get cheaper the hooded variants of our society do aspire to own the fastest car on their estate. It has become very easy to buy a pulsar for less than 2k and the simple truth is, you spend that little on a car like a pulsar its bound to have problems. Then you get the poor communication from these people as they try to solve the running problems they have found, having spent very little on the car. I would imagine that most of these cars will end up being broken or scrapped because they have neither the patience or the incline to repair the car.

Juz cuz i av a dumb valv dun meen i iz a chav bruvv. Innit.

respect. :doh:


I agree with you all. I h8 shrt txt, and if anyone texts me using such rubbish I dont text back out of principle, its just lazy! The fact that we see it so much on here, sadly does say I lot for the sort of people that are buying these cars. As has been pointed out, the price you can buy a Pulsar now means they are accessable to any monkey who can get a loan (which lets face it, even in the current climate is anyone), though as we all know and have seen time and time again (recent example K20 GTR) these monkeys dont seem to have any idea about estimating the cost of running these cars. They just seem to think that all cars are indestructable and require no maintenance, and run on thin air. Whats worse is when they try and defend their actions by coming out with total crap. The guy that just had his mate ruin K20 GTR claims that the reason he is now selling the car is because he had no idea that whilst "not even boosting it" he would have to pay £120 in 5 days to do a total of 10, 2 mile trips (Um 20miles = £120 = boost). The thing is with the Pulsar is that like so many of the Yoof today, the cars external profile has massive amount of arrogance and brutality which is one of the reason why I got one as I just love the message it sends out, which is actually totaly opposite my own character. The car unquestionably looks like a bit of a hard nut. Sadly the situation is only going to get worse with prices constantly falling more and more monkeys will seize the opportunity to try and rule the roost of they're local Maccy D's, all running the highest boost they can on they're ebay bleed valves, and then posting questions like "wys me R fckd" and "nufins wrken" before "Well nice R 4 sale, mint runnin 450brake"

Fast Guy

Staff member
The guy that just had his mate ruin K20 GTR claims that the reason he is now selling the car is because he had no idea that whilst "not even boosting it" he would have to pay £120 in 5 days to do a total of 10, 2 mile trips (Um 20miles = £120 = boost).
£120 fuel for 10x2miles=20miles of driving:roll:
Even on full boost I would expect about £10 of fuel max.
He's talking shite or he should fix that hole in the bottom of his fuel tank. I did 570miles of motorway driving on £90 of fuel a month ago.