Car will not start!!!



My car cut out yesterday while driving through the Dartford Tunnel. Not good! After a good 10mins of playing about with setting unsetting the alarm it worked and managed to get 3 miles down the road before it did it again. The car now doesnt start at all. The ignition lights do not come on and the fuel pump doesnt prime. The engine cranks and tries to start but no fuel. Its as tho the car thinks the alarm is set and is immobilising the car. My car has a new battery and all the fuses in the car including the alarm fuses are fine and have now been replaced with new ones. The alarm is a clifford concept 300. Everything else on the car works except the electric windows because the ignition wont come on. Can anyone help please!????

vss irvine

Well-Known Member
immobiliser problem by the sounds of it? what make is it?

normally i just rip the ****ers out, more hasslethan theyre worth when faulty


Still waiting on some shims!
Rishi, i think you're thinking of the ECCS relay, it's green and is attached to the ECU bracket.
Thats the one.. Its the same area you guys pointed me when mine didn't have any power, windows not working etc.. Figured it was worth a check..


So whats the thing do? Also from what i have said are these the symptoms with the ignition not working and it not starting? All the other electrics work. ie lights, radio, cig lighter.


Well-Known Member
Does the engine management light on the dash light up when you turn the ignition on?

If it does then that relay should be ok.


None of the ignition lights come on! the ignition doesnt come on and the car doesnt start it doesnt ignite. The fuel pump isnt priming. It cant just be a fault with the pump as the ignition lights would come on and vice versa.


on the live battery terminal you have a fuse in a piece of red plastic sleeve / joiner, it could be that that has blown!
if not and all your other fuses and relays are fine then like martyn i would bet its the immobilizer thats playing up, and just as he said 'rip it out and sling it'


Surely if that fuse has gone then nothin in the car would work? My lights and alarm work my central locking my electric mirros. everything that doesnt depend on the ignition being on. I dont want to rip out the immobiliser as i dunno what and where it is?! Think it is the immobiliser but dunno how to deactivate it.
Just trace the black wires from the control box to where they cut into the loom, prob find both ends of the black cable are in the same place.
Remove the cowling around the steering column, and have a nosey at the wires and see if they have attached them their.


Surely if that fuse has gone then nothin in the car would work? My lights and alarm work my central locking my electric mirros. everything that doesnt depend on the ignition being on. I dont want to rip out the immobiliser as i dunno what and where it is?! Think it is the immobiliser but dunno how to deactivate it.

not necessarily as there are actually 3 wires going to + side on battery but 2 are linked via the fuse on battery terminal (check it first, takes seconds)
if you still have no joy then as davie has suggested above, just remove the immobilizer control box from under panel under steering cowling.
there should be 4 wires spliced into ignition (all will be black) find the ends they go to and cut them and then join up the wires back to ign switch


Checked the green fuse. seems good but problem is still here. my battery is in the boot and it just has a red wire coming from the + terminal. the cable then runs into the front of the car. Cant seem to find the battery fuse??? Getting a new alarm fitted tuesday anyway so the dude can sort the immobiliser then! lol. Cheers. I expect i will be on here soon because it may not fix it.


Active Member
where your positive wire joins the original loom you'll probibly find two wires(the ones bobby was talking about), one is thicker than the other (i think the thinner is white), the thinner wire does all the engine stuff and the other (thicker) wire does the rest of the car, it might have come disconnected....

Like VSS said, it's probibly your immobiliser/alarm gone faulty (or poor wiring up of the immobiliser)


ok ill have a root around 2mora. I will inform more once i find if the battery cables are ok. Im still thinking its a alarm fault too.


Had a good mess around 2day and managed to find the culprit! Turned out to be my alarm. Seems as tho its a common fault with these clifford concepts 300's. The immobiliser relay packs up and cuts the power. I had to cut out and then rejoin the original wires to disarm the immobilser. The alarm still works so its all good and i didnt mess anything up lol. Good thing im getting a brand new G5 2mora. All the works! Wahey!