Raising the compression?



fcuking hell:shock:
these agra characters still trading, they cant be after all that carry on with brucey boy.

:doh: Davey where you born stupid or what ? :doh:, Non of his engine problems where due to the quality of Agra's engine building, But the quality of the so called tuners doing the mapping!

And the first engine was built by the masters of mayhem at DP motorsport :doh::roll:, So nothing to do with Agra either ;-).

Try reading the thread properly mate ;-).




Just build it yourself mate :) Its a piece of piss, and save yourself a bomb in the process. I dont think an old car like ours warrants a 3-4k engine build bill.

Check out my thread, and if you need any pointers me, and red16 are just around the corner (Y)


New Member

Just build it yourself mate :) Its a piece of piss, and save yourself a bomb in the process. I dont think an old car like ours warrants a 3-4k engine build bill.

Check out my thread, and if you need any pointers me, and red16 are just around the corner (Y)

I have thought about it tbh mate, and I speak to Ben alot on MSN, I have friends that could help me along, and I may do but I know when I go to boot it, I'll be para that it wont hold together :roll::lol::lol:


New Member
i concur with the build it yourself.

just cos you have paid for it to be done by a 'pro' doesn't mean its going to work or last very long...lol theres really not alot to one of our engines, once you get it apart, all the info is available and you can be 100% sure its right if you check and double check everything.


New Member
i concur with the build it yourself.

just cos you have paid for it to be done by a 'pro' doesn't mean its going to work or last very long...lol theres really not alot to one of our engines, once you get it apart, all the info is available and you can be 100% sure its right if you check and double check everything.

but surely they will give some sort of guarantee which is peace of mind. and if they have a good reputation of building engines then i would be more confident of it lasting.


New Member
but surely they will give some sort of guarantee which is peace of mind. and if they have a good reputation of building engines then i would be more confident of it lasting.
you are more likely to get told if it broke that it was x,y,z or the something other but not their build. Which in many case maybe true but you'd be none the wiser anyways

re-building an engine with a simple set of pistons is purely down to having the knowledge/info, the tools, the time and ability. Its nuts and bolts at the end of the day, following the service manual makes it like working with a model kit.

Building a strong, big power engine is a slightly different matter


New Member
removal of gearbox casing

hi, ive read the how to guide for removing the gearbox casing and it mentions 3 bolts in the casing which must be removed, 2 that are spring and ball retainers and 1 that hold the reverse gear idler shaft in place.

Can anyone advise or show me which bolts they are as the pics in the how to guide have been removed?

Thanks, Dan


New Member
clutch judder problem

hi , ive recently just completed the run in period on my fresh rebuild , the car has been fitted with the later spec os giken twin plate clutch which i bought used with around 400 miles on it , it was inspected for condition prior to fitting and deemed as sold nearly new condition .. the pedal is very light and as you d imagine the bite is solid .. the problem however is that in 1st and reverse or basically any time im moving off from stand still im getting serious judder which is getting more pronounced .. this weekend i made the trip from cornwall to southend to have the car reshimmed by pulsarbob who noticed the clutch making a strange sound .. my clutch is quite on idle but was jangling once the pedal was depressed whereas bob who has the same clutch gets the opposite scenario i.e his clutch jangles on idle until pedal is depressed .. anyhow i drove home and the next day had the final mapping done , car now putting out 330 ish on low boost and 411 on high @1.4 on a 3071 .. the judder is worsening and i also noticed a heavy vibration to the firewall on lift off decel .. its coming from the engine bay side and is quite a substantial vibration .. this got me thinking possibly an engine or gearbox mount .. ive spoken to bobby who has suggested amongst other things possible loosening of the flywheel bolts , if they werent torqued down upon fitting if anyone has any similiar experiences in the past or have any theories as to what the problem could be please post away ... cheers fellas


slightly wrong there matt as my one makes a jingling noise on clutch depression (which is normal) but yours is not so much a jingling as it sounds as though something is catching somewhere!
still cant get my head round why its juddering so badly though, if the friction plates are all good along with the flywheel the only other thing that could cause it is either contaminated plates (with oil) or as you say there maybe a broken or severely worn mount, but that would have been apparent when the garage reinstalled your engine.

perhaps someone else has had the same prob with the os giken!!!


Active Member
Not experienced twin plates but clutch judder can be

1.oil/ grease/clutch fluid on the clutch
2.uneven pressure on the pressure plate (knackered springs or damaged on fitting)
3.overheated flywheel/pressure plate causing areas of poor friction
4.bent clutch fork causing No2
5.flywheel not fitted to the crank properly


its number 5 thats worrying me, as its evidentally getting progressively worse!

i suppose the only way of seeing if its loose atall is by undoing the inspection plate at the back of sump and seeing if theres any play in the flywheel itself, but that will not tell you if the clutch cover has been torqued up correctly.....unless you can remove the rubber at top of gearbox (where fork goes through) and get a spanner on the cover bolts to check there torqud up sufficiently.

however we are talking about a garage that installed a new engine without even bothering to connect up a working oil pressure gauge or warning light even:doh:
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Active Member
I had the flywheel come loose once,it did happen pretty quick tho and made the worst noise you can imagine on de-acceleration.
It was almost fully off within 10-15 miles of first hearing the noise and got louder real quickly.
Some of the old twin plate os giken cluches ts2b's i thnk they where called, used to sometimes strip all the splines off one of the drive plates.Proberly because they where solid plates and did not like being slipped?
I know your clutch is different as i think its the sprung center plate version but that could be another possibilty for the noise you are hearing?


New Member
thanks for replies guys .. just done another 30 odd miles and aside from the judder im also getting a progressively worsening rattling which is also part of the vibration im feeling . the gearbox does feel very loose and selecting gears feels notchy especially when giving her some beans , i think i can feel the rattling coming up through the gearstick .. at the end of the day i think its gonna have to come apart again before it gets too much worse .. im hoping its gearbox really as thats the only part left to uprate .. it ll be parked up for the week now as im off to work .. but i think i ll be on the hunt for an uprated box