Raising the compression?


Active Member
yeah i`d refrane from giving it any beans until it gets sorted matey. It would be horrible if something does shear / jams.


New Member
This could be something very simple or a total nightmare. I have a simalar problem with my car last year. When the car was idling it sounded as normal when I depress the clutch at made a catching noise as to what Bobby said. The noise slowly got worse and I got to the point you are at Matt. I thought the clutch had broken, fly wheel was loose or something was catching in my bell housing. Bought a ACT paddle clutch to replace the excedy which was starting to slip anyway and also a new release bearing. 11 hours later with the new clutch in and the problem was still there. I have a inspection hole in my bell housing so with the car up on a ramp I got some one to make the noise and my fly wheel was rattling from side to side when the noise happened.

Long story but I stripped the engine and had a thrust washer sitting in the sump baffles. Knackered the crank and the block. The catching noise was the crank grinding into the block........!!!!

I do hope its not this.

Check with your engine builder that he measured it up when fitting the crank.

vss irvine

Well-Known Member
before you drop the gearbox, have you checked the level, condition of the gearbox and transfer box oil?, did the garage def fill up the transfer box?


think matts got a bit of a prob with the garage that did the work as this is their second build after the first engine blew up on the dyno.
danny above could well be right with the thrust washer thing though! it does sound as though something is catching badly and the above would give all those symptoms (i hope its not that for matts sake and sanity)
it took him almost a year to get his car back after the first fcuk up on their part and i know hes spent a lot of money in the process too


New Member
Maybe an idea drain the sump (oil) and check for metal content.... here's hoping is a flywheel / clutch problem.
Fingers crossed mate!


New Member
this is starting to sound very ominous now guys .. i just pray its nothing too sinister .. for my sanity indeed bob .. i really dont want to give up on the R after all ive been through with it especially now as its in the 400+ club but theres gonna come a point were i wont be able to justify the constant expense .. i think i ll give it one more go and save some pennies to have the engine and box pulled and hope the fault lies there , if it does turn out to be an engine fault i wont be going through all that again and i ll break it .. i wont be driving it until i can afford to have it looked at which maybe a month .. as soon as i get some answers i ll post up ... thanks for your time guys

geoff pine

Well-Known Member
I had a similar problem some years ago with a primera that had a new clutch fitted by Nissan arbroath after three attempts to fix it i gave up with Nissan and took it to RJM motors in glenrothes . Apparently it was only catching on one half of the plate i still dont know why but once it was changed it was fine.


Active Member
Loosen the alternator and power steering belts and give the crank pulley a pull/push in and out to see if there is much end play on the crank.
That should sort of give you an idea of if a thrust washer has fallen out or broken up.


New Member
Grinding noise on right turns

Left turns and strait line driving it's ok, but hard rights easy rights there a grinding noise comming from the right side wheel. The only things I have change are my tie rod end boot, front sway bar bushings, and sway bar drop link bushings. Were should I start looking?


Staff member
On mine that noise seems to be caused by the wheel being slightly further back on one side; in my case it's the tyre rubbing against the wheel arch.
I suspect that I have a bent wishbone. Was there any reason that you changed those parts? If they had been damaged it could be that there's more to be straightened out.


New Member
Change the tie rod boot to pass Japanese car inspection and the bushing were polly upgrades. I will look at the CV joint. To add, when my car is on a lift, it dose not make the noise(only when the car is sitting on the ground). Also the noise comes and goes. If i start the car, let it warm up to engine temp and drive it. The first 10 mins would be good with no grinding. Then the grinding will come out of noware and some times wont go away till i park my car and let it sit for a while.


New Member
Could it be a wheel bearing or maybe mounts.
You may have excess movement in your engine / gearbox mounts.
With the car sitting, engine / gearbox find their natural position. Once you start driving, the engine/gearbox is moving into an abnormal position puting strain on driveshaft or CV joint.
With the noise present, you could try quick burst in reverse (this will put opposite forces on engine / gearbox mounts. Drive forward again to see if noise has gone.

Fast Guy

Staff member
Sounds like when my pads were worn slightly below limits:oops:

On a right hand bend, it should be the left hand wheel bearing making a noise if it's gone.