Did anyone buy the cheap UK GTiR?


New Member
wow that was a real bargain, pity I have a wrecked uk shell with a good engine here I could have made a good one.


New Member
No mate shell is scrap, bent and rotten to bits. Had an offer to buy a bare uk shell, but its too much building for me.


New Member
No I have a jdm car now so its a spares package, but that shell would have been a good job, hopefully someone will save it. Surely there cant be many left now. My first one was sold to a guy who ended up breaking it, and my second got walloped and wrote off so thats two less that I know off anyway.


New Member
Hi guys,

That would be me that has bought it :)

Id like to say hi and hope to see you guys out and about at meets and that im in the south beds area and off to pick it up at the weekend.

Im gonna be lurking around on here just taking in info like a giant sponge lol, ive come from a FD3S which i do miss :(

Anyways look forward to speaking soon.




Active Member
Hi Tim,

If you know any further info on the car that would be a great help:-D


It's a ringer that's been made from two R's welded together.

It's been a while since it surfaced last time.....i'd expect the Police to call you in the next few days....


New Member
I know his cousin, so i'm sure if there is anything you need to know I can find out.

I very nearly bought it to use for parts and to sell the shell, but i don't have anywhere to store another car. I also don't think that would have gone down too well, i've already ruined a perfectly standard Pulsar, god only knows what might happen if i killed off a UK GTiR as well. I probably wouldn't be typing this :lol:


New Member
Talking of UK models, is K20 GTR still on the go??? I tried to buy it years ago and the fella mucked me about, but then I remember someone off this site bought it not long after. I was gutted, really wanted that car.

Fire & skill

Vintage member
Talking of UK models, is K20 GTR still on the go??? I tried to buy it years ago and the fella mucked me about, but then I remember someone off this site bought it not long after. I was gutted, really wanted that car.
I found an ad in an old 'fast car' mag from about 10 years ago and it was for sale in there, im sure it was 12 grand. no idea what happened to the car though but it did seem to be up for sale every other week, must have had about 20 owners by now :lol:


New Member
I was offered it for 4.5k by a guy in london 3 or 4 years ago. Said he was moving to australlia, had me sell my jeep and everything then he refused to sell it at the last minute, said his visa got turned down. I offered him and extra grand and he still wouldnt take it, I was gutted.
Car seemed really nice and fantastic spec, loads of ND bits and the rest. Then a few months later it turned up on here and apparently the guy had decided to sell after all.


New Member
I was offered it for 4.5k by a guy in london 3 or 4 years ago. Said he was moving to australlia, had me sell my jeep and everything then he refused to sell it at the last minute, said his visa got turned down. I offered him and extra grand and he still wouldnt take it, I was gutted.
Car seemed really nice and fantastic spec, loads of ND bits and the rest. Then a few months later it turned up on here and apparently the guy had decided to sell after all.
Sounds like a right run around mate:doh:


New Member
Hi guys,:-D

Quick update, finally got the car home yesterday and all parked up in the garage:thumbsup:

Had a look over it properly and getting a list of stuff together of what needs doing and in what order.

Does need some bodywork like two front wings and the rear quarters sorting along with a few other little bits.

Engine she is spot on!.....even has a set of forged pistons which was a result, so while the block is apart ill put in some new bearings and piston rings just to be safe:-D

There is loads more that came with the car but ill start a thread in the other section with plenty of pics once the weather gets better lol.

But one last thing blimey how heavy is the gearbox and transfer box, think i dropped a bum nut lifting it!!:oops:
