Silverstone Trackday Review

fubar andy

Moderator & N/W Rep
Staff member
Silverstone Trackday

For quite a few years I’ve been wanting to have a trackday at the Silverstone circuit, however with dates not being convenient, track options not what I wanted (national circuit or southern circuit) and the shear cost of having a track day at the event( £300+) I had to make do with other tracks around the UK.

Finally a few months back I came across the deal of the century for the FULL GP track at Silverstone for a very reasonably £160. Without blinking I booked my space and another notch to my increasing trackday list.
I also mentioned this to Bob about the trackday and he was also keen to join me, so he booked not long afterwards.

Over the coming week I watched the weather reports like a hawk and hoped for a dry day. With 24hrs remaining the forecast was going to be a mix of sunshine and showers, but all I wanted was an hour or two with some dry track time and I would be happy with that. :-D

The day came and I was like a kid on Christmas day; the night before I had a restless night’s sleep thinking about the track, my driving lines and whether the weather would hold off for me to blast it round in the dry. Of course when I woke it was damp but the sun was trying its best to come out.

Driving into the paddock/pits area I was thinking of all the people that had been here in the past and what kind of machinery had been driving around here, so much history and also to know that the F1 was also staying here for another 17 years made it all the more wondrous. 8)

Talking of F1, some of you may be aware that Silverstone is now redesigning parts of the track and making new amendments to the existing layouts for F1 and MotoGP.
In our morning briefing we were told that due to the work going on was a bit of dirt around the track however they had been cleaning all morning with specialist cleaning machinery to remove the mud.
There might be a bit of dirt here or there!” was the comments in the meeting. However once out on our sighing laps, it was more like a building site. I dread to think what it was like before, but when Bob and I got into the pits it looked like we been doing Rally Cross than a trackday!

Anyway the day opened with a damp and muddy track. After about an hour of the sun out and the track drying I decided to swap to my slick tyres. I won’t go on about how good slicks are, but what I will say is that Silverstone is a high grip track. When F1 technicians say that down force and grip is important, I know exactly what they mean. The corners are sweeping, fast and demand full concentration at all times; good grip is a must as is the right tyre pressure and suspension set-up to enable you really attack the track. Took me a while to get the suspension to something reasonable but I never really got it spot on due to the changing weather conditions.

However once I had the car to a decent set-up I unleashed it properly on the track and attacked it hard. The only real downside was the sound limit. The drive by limit was 105 db’s and I know that my car can be a “little louder” than that at times to I had to ease off the power along the start finish line to avoid a “chat” with the marshals.

With the track dry it was pretty much “overtake heaven” barring the three supercharged Arial Atoms, two race spec Ferrari’s and a turbo’d Caterham. However, what was more rewarding was blasting round Maggots and Becketts at full pelt, carrying massive speed though the corners and catapulting out the other side while others grappled to do the same or out-brake themselves.
As the day went out the rain crept in and although the track was getting more wet I decided to try out my slicks in the wet!

Insane, yes I thought that too, but you only live once I thought what the hell.:der:

For the 1st few laps I hammered down the straight bits to get some heat in the tyres, after 3 laps I then started to attack the corners. It’s certainly an interesting feeling of total grip and then nothing. As I made my way through Maggots and Becketts I had good grip, but then just before entering the Hanger Straight all the wheels lit up and I had a 4wd 80mph sideways drift and a very full pair of underpants.
With that I cooled it and popped back into the pits to change back to my wet/road tyres for the rest of the day.
The rest of the day was a little more relaxed and the rain made the handling trickier. Learning new racing lines, finding gripper areas of the track and attempting to adjust a mainly try set-up into a wet setup was quite challenging, so challenging that I even had a spin off at the 1st corner. Thankfully a semi-controlled spin helped me to slide towards the pit entry and out of the way of oncoming drivers.

Overall a cracking day was had and it’s certainly one of the most challenging and interesting tracks to drive in the wet and dry.

I wonder if it’s really worth the £300 price tag that many trackday providers charge, personally it’s not, but at £160 it certainly was. :thumb:

Happy days 8)


Active Member
Great write up mate,and looks like you had fun!
Your car looks good to,i like the first pic.


Staff member
I can tell that you've enjoyed yourself Andy - great to hear you sticking it to the other drivers in their more expensive toys too!

Has Bob got anything to add? Some photos of his day too, and his opinion of the track maybe?


New Member
I can tell that you've enjoyed yourself Andy - great to hear you sticking it to the other drivers in their more expensive toys too!

Has Bob got anything to add? Some photos of his day too, and his opinion of the track maybe?
Or at least confirmation of a trouble free day for once!!


good write up andy!

not a trouble free day for me....again:roll:
been driving my car hard all week at 1.6 bar and no problems at all but as soon as the car sniffs out the track it decides to play up, this time it appears to be the fuel pump giving problems or possibly fpr:doh:
anyway i dropped the boost level to a bar and short shifted through the box so at least i got to go round circuit and have some fun:-D

as andy said really.....the circuit in the morning resembled a mudheap in places which ruined my car after its yearly clean:lol:
like andy i opted to run slicks in the wet also which are not very forgiving, one second you have loads of grip but when they let go they let go big time, i had a few very hairy moments but as they say 'its good to scare yourself once a day':-D

its a very long and very fast circuit which would take a while to learn properly, at times your flat out even in fifth then its a case of how much bottle youve got to throw the car in to the long sweeping bends at some serious speed, must be wicked in an f1 car.
even the main straight is scary as you emerge from a long sweeping bend onto it which puts the car close to the runoff area but if you lose your bottle and lift off you can well end up spiralling off at speed on the straight (as a gt3 owner found to his peril in full view of everyone):lol:
there were a lot of offs in the day

was a real pity with the poor weather as this is a track you need to learn in the dry first, its a real tester of the car setup and driver ability, one mistake could be very costly with the speeds involved.

in a nutshell like andy said....fantastic track and well worth what we paid for the day but i agree that £300 makes it overpriced and i would not pay that for any trackday!

good thing is that both our cars and drivers respectfully are still all intact so in all a grand day was had:thumbsup:
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fubar andy

Moderator & N/W Rep
Staff member
its a very long and very fast circuit which would take a while to learn properly, at times your flat out even in fifth then its a case of how much bottle youve got to throw the car in to the long sweeping bends at some serious speed, must be wicked in an f1 car.
even the main straight is scary as you emerge from a long sweeping bend onto it which puts the car close to the runoff area but if you lose your bottle and lift off you can well end up spiralling off at speed on the straight (as a gt3 owner found to his peril in full view of everyone):lol:
there were a lot of offs in the day
Ahh forgot about that :lol:, here are are few pic's from the day I took while messing about etc

Mr GT3 in the dirt and gravel, you can just about make out his skid marks where he lifted off then pirouetted across the tarmac. Lucky they had redesigned and landscaped that area our he would have been in the sh*t than just the dirt. :lol:



good photos them, when you look at the non zoomed one it shows how far he skidded from exiting onto the straight:shock:
on the day i only saw the skid marks around 25mtrs away from where he left the track didnt realise they went back that far8)
boy o boy did he get that wrong or what lol


Staff member
So the expensive Porsche went sailing off the track, and the 20 year-old Datsuns held it together... money well spent on the GT3 then?


not the porkers fault george, it was the numpty driving it:lol:


Staff member
not the porkers fault george, it was the numpty driving it:lol:
Probably worried about being late to pick his daughter up from Pony Club... :roll:

I guess what I'm saying is that they seemed to be owned by the kind of people who believe that buying the porker is all they need to do to be great on the track. I'm sure there are actually owners who know what they're doing... but it must have been upsetting to have bought the shiny German machine and have a 20 year-old Japanese rust box come flying past him. :twisted: