12.61 quarter mile, standard turbo

Hello, I was reasonably impressed at the weekend in york. I managed a 12.61, still with just a roller bearing turbo (and engine mods!) after a few bad runs, :doh:. Going to take the interior out for the next one I reckon. Who's done what, and what sort of times have people had with a GT3071R turbo?


I managed a 12.8 at santa pod on a roller bearing turbo a while ago, so yours is a v good time. Ive got a 2871r now + a few more horses so cant wait to go back and have another go. Are you planning an upgrade to a GT3071R then?


Well-Known Member
I ran a 11.7 quite a few years ago on that turbo pushing around 400bhp and standard weight. It would have probably run a mid 11's but the clutch started slipping.

I wouldnt be suprised if someone is tapping on the 10's now if stripped.

That time is just fine but cant compare it to others without knowing your spec and bhp.


Active Member
I think but not 100% sure but 2 cars may have run 10.9's on gt3071's mo jamil and maybe the awd pulsar?

Fast Guy

Staff member
Hello, I was reasonably impressed at the weekend in york. I managed a 12.61, still with just a roller bearing turbo (and engine mods!) after a few bad runs, :doh:. Going to take the interior out for the next one I reckon. Who's done what, and what sort of times have people had with a GT3071R turbo?

The standard turbo isn't roller bearing. What turbo do you have then?


New Member
Hello, I was reasonably impressed at the weekend in york. I managed a 12.61, still with just a roller bearing turbo (and engine mods!) after a few bad runs, :doh:. Going to take the interior out for the next one I reckon. Who's done what, and what sort of times have people had with a GT3071R turbo?
Was Chris there in the black r running nitrous??? think he's done a 12.2 ish on the std turbo but obviously with gas, 50 shotish. Carls (fast guy)gotta be the quickest out there on a std turbo. Mo Jamil ran his 10.89 on a 3071r at approx 1.8bar
The standard turbo isn't roller bearing. What turbo do you have then?
It's just the t28 with the 360 thrust bearing to keep it well lubed! Might see you down there next time you go with chris s, i'll watch you fly down then! :)

what's your quickest time then chris with your 3071??


Active Member
I did 12.7s on standard turbo, regular gearbox.I did 12.3 in Vpulsars old one with a standard turbo(although did have Motec).I think Robs could have done a flat 12 easily with more boost as it was only running 311bhp at the time.
By standard do you mean a T28?