Anyone know any history on my R??

Gaz gtiR

New Member
This may be a long shot but when i bought my car i only got the logbook & mot with it. no other paperwork?? the car seems fine but just wonderd if any1 knows the car?? & could give me any info on its past?? the reg is TBZ 8857 irish plate i think. :)


Active Member
that the one with the norris engine in it?

there my boost controller and safc :evil: I brought the parts from him then he desides to sell the car with the parts still in it :der: how anoying,

dont worry about the history now you have brought it :roll:

Gaz gtiR

New Member
nope unfortuanatly its not the 1 wiv the norris engine in :( wish it was :D
i just want to no if its had any engine work done. etc??
it was partly yhe apexi's & the reyland motorsport seats that made me buy it lol.


Active Member
ah thats alright not the same one lol yours is white is it? the one im thinking is ivory,
looks nice have fun and enjoy :)

Gaz gtiR

New Member
no mines ivory aswell. thinking of having it resprayed in the bright white tho?? as ive seen a bright white R with white compamotive MO6 alloys on & it looks amaizin so paint job may be on the cards soon? :)


Active Member
in my personal opinion I wouldnt bother with respraying it, to much heart ache wen anusbreaths ding it and such, also is quiet expensive and did you realy buy the pulsar for a show and shine? I sure didnt.

Gaz gtiR

New Member
no not for show n shine. im just not keen on the wheels at mo & i can get my mate to spray it for cheep with no corners cut. it could do with a respray realy as the paint aint to clever arond the windows + arches are slightly bubleing... ive got other things to sort first but its just an idea for the future realy :)


Active Member
what this grey i have never seen this in person but i was show a photo of the engine bay and it was grey,?


Active Member
Shhhh! Let him respray it and it makes mine worth more! :thumbsup:
Hmmm, not too sure matey, is yours the one that used to have a dual exit, one diamond shaped and one round :)

Seriously though, these colours are rare and I wouldn't touch the colour or bumpers etc, looks nice enough as it is

He should've left it grey though, as we all know that's the best colour ;)

Gaz gtiR

New Member
no olliecast cit used to have exhaust coming out of boot lid & a screamer pipe coming out of roof & wheely bins for bumpers :D haha.

ill have to disagree with you on the grey being the best colour... white all the way for me. lol :)