has anyone experience with adjustable cam gears?



has anyone experience with adjustable cam gears settings? so i have read that some guys had moved the highest torque approx 500 - 1000 rpm before original setting. how is it possible or which settings are the best? i know that i can see normally the best settings on the dyno but it must give a setting which is better than the original one or not?


Fusion Ed

Active Member
They don't usually come with settings. You really can only properly set these up on a dyno, and on a pulsar they are a PITA as access is a nightmare.


Active Member
Do you usually manage gains through adjusting them though Ed?I have HKS ones on mine, just set to middle atm.They are a pain with the topmount on but at least a FMIC makes access easier.


seems strange that you cant get any settings for these cams, i have had adjustable cams on vauxhalls and all came with the settings for dialing them in,

Fusion Ed

Active Member
Well usually its because it depends on what you want to achieve. I usually just leave them at zero unless the owner wishes to pay for the time to find improvements, but those can be made quite often but usually looses a little bit elsewhere.


New Member
I have hks adjustables an i also thought that you should have a setting to pre set. Mines has to go back for re map and adjustable set on dyno. Is it really worth the extra money to have them set up?


Staff member
Well usually its because it depends on what you want to achieve.
That's the answer for you Geo3 - What are you looking to do; get it on boost sooner? Get more low-down torque? More high-end power?
They're probably quite good for a track car that spends most of it's time high in the rev range.


Staff member
Stumo set mine up based on the manufacturer's settings. (Piper in my case)

Before the car ran slightly lumpy which I put down to having "cams"

After-wards the car ran smoother than ever.

I think skimming the head can put your cam timing out. Someone explained it to me and at the time it sounded logical. I won't try to re-explain it.
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