centre diff split and hydraulic handbrake


New Member
hey all am new to this forum!
i've just bought a pulsar for using in my local gravel sprinting/ autosolos

is there any away of doing away with viscous centre diff so it has a 50:50 split want car to slide about a bit more. or make it more rwd than fwd

could i remove centre diff and remove viscous bits and weld it to lock it solid? any other ideas?

if this is a no no of and idea can i fit a hydraulic handbrake to the standard car to get the tail end out before getting power on

red reading

Active Member
You can weld the centre diff, but that is only any good for drag racing, or if you can find one you can get a conventional plated lsd centre diff (rare as rocking horse shit) also if you use either you CANT handbrake turn the car as it will not lock the rear wheels. you could fit a hydaulic hand brake but dont expect the viscous lsd to last. ps the car has full time 50:50 split when the standard viscous is working .

red reading

Active Member
Well me and my mate are greedy we have 3 front lsd,2 rear and a centre.

only 1 front for sale at the mo £600+


New Member
I'm sure my diffs are working as car will get its tail end out on wet grass or gravel
Myself and my mate don't take local events seriously just have a laugh sliding car around etc
Pulsar just doesn't have the tail happiness

why is welded diff only good for drag racing? Would it not make car tail happy?
I'm not fussed for hydraulic handbrake if i can get diffs locked and car nice and chuckable


New Member
would a rear lsd not give the backend more slide anyway as the inner wheel would be running much closer to the outer wheels speed?


Well-Known Member
Have you been breading them? whats your secret? good manure :)
Danny told me his secrets. You need a south facing greenhouse in which you need to bury your normal diffs 12" deep in the ground. Then water daily with a 50/50 mix of water and castrol syntrax. You need to leave them for 8 weeks for a 1.5 way or 10 weeks for a 2 way diff ;-)

red reading

Active Member
phantom grip is good for the front but it wont make the back slide, stu i just keep my eye out and so does the other fella.

Mark its 18" not 12"...lol

if you weld the center diff solid when you pull the hand brake it just trys to lock all 4 wheels as there is no slip between front and rear, really you need a one way diff or as the rally boys use hydralic variable centers that release drive when you pull the hand brake. if you get a good set of rear calipers and discs you can fit a hydraulic handbrake using the standard viscous centre diff..............just don't expect the diff to last for more than a season's racing if that.

red reading

Active Member
The whole Ra/Rb thing with diff is not dependant on the type of car, it is more to do with what was ticked on the spec list when the car was ordered. I herd recentley of a person that checked a transfer box and said it was a standard open diff, well the said tranfer box was purchased by me for spares, and guess what was in it a cusco 1.5way............i won't name the expert that looked at it.....yet


New Member
ahh!! i see the problem now with welding centre diff both front and rear wheels are turning at same rate, makes sense!!
i'd be better welding rear diff like the rwd boys do, but thats going to be heavy on centre viscous

my car spins it front wheel a lot when powering out of tarmac corners, seems to understeer a lot too, is this normal?

i'll have to see how car performs on it first gravel event, if its no fun i can see car going up for sale

red reading

Active Member
Sound's like the center diff has already fail'd or is on its way, a front diff will work wonders to stop the spinning on exit of corners, under steer can be dialed out to a degree, look up jim cambells handling threads as alot of understeer problems are down to setup.