Iron X

fubar andy

Moderator & N/W Rep
Staff member
Just thought I'd post a little bit of info on a recent cleaning product I've been trying out and had some pretty good results.

I'm sure many of you have washed your cars and had black spots or bits of grit that are lodged in the edges of your alloy wheels.

I've tried shifting with Wonder Wheels and other acid based cleaners, but I have noticed that they haven't been that effective, attacked the paint work or done even worse.

Anyway on my internet trawling I've come across a product called Iron X (some might know it already, but for the ones that don't) which is used by professional "car cleaners".

Basically I ordered a bottle online and gave it a whirl, see if this "magic cleaner" is really worth it?

I ordered if from: and it turned up in 24hrs :thumb: the liquid is like a sticky kind of gel which you spray on to the wheels once you have washed them, leave it for about 5 mins and then brush or wash off and hey presto...clean wheels!

One thing I will say though is that the stuff absolutely stinks! I guess its made to work rather than smelling nice, but that aside there is no other negatives about the product.

So, I got my track day wheels out and gave them a good wash, rinse and then sprayed on the Iron X

....this is what I happened!!!

My white Buddyclubs...

Anyway marks out of 10...

9.5/10 - only the smell didn't give it 10/10

Well worth the price tag too!!!


Nice marigolds :lol: On a serious not that looks like some pukka stuff, i think i may have to purchase some to get my white wheels looking good 8)

vss irvine

Well-Known Member

never really been a products person, just use whats kicking about.

but ill give this a try aswell, see how we get on with it.

btw real men wear pink marigolds