oil temp gauge problem


New Member
when doing my gearbox i got a cable caught and ripped a temp sensor out where the sump plug would be, i cant seem to find a matching sensor to replace this, is there normally a sensor replacing the sump plug or does the temp sensor go somewhere else? does anyone have any advice on this? i have an aftermarket pro sport gauge which replaces the standard one above the cd player

thanks in advance


Active Member
does your gauge use the standard sensor or does it use it's own (most guages use their own sensor)?

In which case it could have been fitted anywhere by the previous dickweed owner who didn't use his braincell to locate in a decent location.


New Member
yeah the sensor has been fitted to the sump to replace the sump plug, i managed to find the correct part i need to put the sensor back into the sump but unsure if i should be putting it in a different location i.e the correct place, do you know what size the sump plug is? m16 by any chance?

Thanks for your help


oem sender (which WONT work with aftermarket gauges) is above filter, 1/8bspt thread, 1/8npt will screw in ok (unless you want to retap hole, but the difference in thread ptich over that short a distance in miniscule). - though some boffin here will disagree no doubt.


oh ,and here's a picture of it during the interval .. if you can't spot it, then give in...
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