Two Dumb Q´s : Remove Doorhandle and OS Giken release bearing


Active Member
Ok, I have to ask; how do you get the door handles off? I´m changing the locks all round after a break-in attempt, and I´ve loosened the 10mm nuts on the back of the handles. Where do I go from here? The handles don´t seem to have any interest in leaving the door.

And - I´m installing my OS clutch, and I´ve got the clutch on just fine, but I have no clue when it comes to release bearings. I received an OS release bearing, but how is this installed? Do I replace a bearing in the OE unit, or do I just slap it onto the shaft along with the OE one? It seems to fit just fine there! :lol:

Fast Guy

Staff member
Release the little rod and the 2 nuts is it I think. You might need to lift the door handle up abit to get it out. I can't remember anything else holding it on.

vss irvine

Well-Known Member
door handles, you need to remove the rods on the back, then they will just pull off.

you might need to give the bolts a little knock as they will be tight in the door.

iirc the os release bearing needs 2 clips to fit it to the standard clutch fork, these should be provided with the bearing


New Member
You need to remove the lock barrel first. Theres a sirclip just uinside you need to remove (I think) that holds the lock in place then you just prize it out. Thers 2 nuts that need removed too. You get to them from the inside. I used a spanner (lednyckel?) to get to them.

I habe had three break in attempts in a year. I dont even lock the doors any longer when it in the garage so its one less thing I need to change if they come back. I even made a sign that I put on the dash that states theres no point breaking the ignition barrel again as I always remove essential parts every time I park it!! Theyve not managed to get it to start in three attempts so I hope theyve got the point now.


Active Member
That rod will be the end of me, I couldn´t get that loose (forgot to mention that). Tried pliers and general violence. I´ll give it another try, thanks for the input!

I just received the bearing - are you supposed to use JUST the bearing (with clips), or the rest of the doohickey that surrounds the OE release bearing? That has a couple of retainers on it..


Active Member
You need to remove the lock barrel first. Theres a sirclip just uinside you need to remove (I think) that holds the lock in place then you just prize it out. Thers 2 nuts that need removed too. You get to them from the inside. I used a spanner (lednyckel?) to get to them.

I habe had three break in attempts in a year. I dont even lock the doors any longer when it in the garage so its one less thing I need to change if they come back. I even made a sign that I put on the dash that states theres no point breaking the ignition barrel again as I always remove essential parts every time I park it!! Theyve not managed to get it to start in three attempts so I hope theyve got the point now.
Leddnøkkel! :-D I didn´t know there was a clip there, I´just changing the locks so if I can find the clip I´ll be happy! Thanks! And sorry about the breakins - that´s why I´m changing it to a sleeper look now.

vss irvine

Well-Known Member
the rod has a plastic clip on it, you need to lift that up 90 deg to the rod, that will allow it to slip out.

the handle sits over the top of thebarrel so it can be removed first, then the barrel.

you will need to mount the new bearing inside the standard bearing bracket, that then clips to the fork in one piece


Active Member
the rod has a plastic clip on it, you need to lift that up 90 deg to the rod, that will allow it to slip out.

the handle sits over the top of thebarrel so it can be removed first, then the barrel.

you will need to mount the new bearing inside the standard bearing bracket, that then clips to the fork in one piece

I´ll try some more with the rod then! Tried pushing it out of its hole, that seemed like a bad idea at least.

Oh, I think I see! I´ll have a closer look then! Thanks!


Active Member
Ok, I got the darned handles out. I must have had a complete meltdown when I looked at the rods the last time, it was embarrasingly simple to remove. But now I am having problems with the clips that hold the locks. I'd like to think that they're like the ones that keep brake- and clutchlines in place, but they have absolutely no interest in coming out in the same way...

Fast Guy

Staff member
Depending how the clips have been put on, they'll slide to the left or right. Use a long flat bladed screw driver to help you. If the clip is the right way you can just put the blade of the screw driver on the lip of the clip and hit it with the palm of your hand to help it along.


Active Member
id replace the handles for the non lock sunny versions ;) (if you got cebtral locking of course!)
No such luck, unfortunately. :)

Depending how the clips have been put on, they'll slide to the left or right. Use a long flat bladed screw driver to help you. If the clip is the right way you can just put the blade of the screw driver on the lip of the clip and hit it with the palm of your hand to help it along.
Looking into the right hand door from the inside, the "tab" is to the left, facing the door handle hole. I´ve done a fair bit of knocking, pulling and bending but it seems to like where it is just fine, thank you very much. I am assuming I shall have to apply more power.


Active Member
Yep, you were right. I just had to apply the proper force to get them out. This is probably a 20 minute job for both doors if I were to do it again now. Which I'm not.



Active Member
Ok, I'm an idiot. I have one shiny new release bearing, but I am not positive what I am supposed to modify. Here's a pic, and I've labeled a few things; what do I hit/remove/saw to get the OS bearing in?



Active Member
The fine gentlemen at RB Motorsports sent me a couple of pics showing what I'm supposed to en up with, but it doesn't make me any wiser. I think I'm going to take a hammer to my old releasebearing.



Active Member
Well, turns out that OS Giken supply their own sleeve, not just the release bearing... the OS bearing sure as sh*t don't fit the OE carrier thing at least.