Gearbox or clutch


Active Member
Managed to get up to look at the car after I broke down again.dont think it's fork as it looks ok possibly release bearing but think its gear box related
The car goes into gear ok with engine on or off but no drive you can feel something moving or grinding but will not move



New Member
Put it in 4th gear and try to pull off if it moves then u have a gearbox fault if not then its a clutch fault id say.4th gear isnt on the same shaft as the rest.4th is on the main shaft.


Active Member
Put it in 4th gear and try to pull off if it moves then u have a gearbox fault if not then its a clutch fault id say.4th gear isnt on the same shaft as the rest.4th is on the main shaft.
Not sure if the above is correct tbh,both input and main shafts should be locked together no matter what gear you are in.

It does sound more clutch to me but i would also check your driveshafts.


Active Member
Doesn't move in any gear.had a few clutches go over the years doesn't seem like its a clutch.



Active Member
Yeah reading what you have said again, as in it go's in gear running with out crunching maybe its not the clutch.

I would still be checking your driveshafts,especially your front ones.

It been a long time since i have messed with these cars so i will have to think about it,it could be gearbox related or possibly even the front diff in the transfer box, i would have to have a think .
Still i would check the driveshafts,wheres the noise comming from?
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New Member
4th gear is on the main shaft which is driven by the engine so if u collapse the bearings and the secondary sgaft moves away or u strip teeth u wont get any drive other than 4th as its takin its drive straight from the engine


Active Member
Like i say its been a long time so i could well be wrong,i also look at the shafts different than you, as in i call the shaft to the clutch the input shaft and the other thicker shaft to the diff the main shaft.

Not sure on the correct names, but the gears that spin freely on the shafts with the dog teeth and syncros are 3rd,4th 5th on the input shaft and 1st 2nd on the main shaft,the other fixed gears are visa versa.
The way i see it is there is no drive to the center diff/mainshaft until one of these gears that spin freely are locked to a shaft, via the syncro hub and dog teeth on the gears and the selector ring.
Just in neutral only the input shaft will be spinning, with no drive to the main shaft at all unless you select a gear to join the shafts together?
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Well-Known Member
4th gear isnt on the same shaft as the rest.4th is on the main shaft.
4th gear is on the main shaft which is driven by the engine so if u collapse the bearings and the secondary sgaft moves away or u strip teeth u wont get any drive other than 4th as its takin its drive straight from the engine
The input shaft is driven by the engine not the main shaft ;-) As for the rest of what you've written, its late but dosen't make any sense whatsoever to me :lol:

Fast Guy

Staff member
Just take the box out and find out. Whether it's clutch/fork or the box, the box has to come off anyway. So the best fault finding is to just get on with it or give it to Steve Ferguson to fix.


itll be clutch plate centre has broke away

as above box is gonna have to come off to sort it


Active Member
To be honest should have put clutch fork movement in a new thread.i was just wondering how much movement there was In the fork as there is a lot of movement in mine near the master cylinder(or whatever it's called) more movement than I seem to remember being there
