Engine Detailing


Well-Known Member
I am looking for ideas to tidy up my engine bay.

Any suggestions, photos or links would be great.


Staff member
Didn't someone (possibly Kireon) go to the effort of hiding all the wiring and plumbing behind the wings etc? - Could you do something like that?


Well-Known Member
I am of the opinion less is more when it comes to what should be in the engine bay. Anything that you can hide is beneficial.

I think Kieron rewired a loom from scratch which was a good idea. Not sure about the plumbing.

Yes, definately could be done so I will pencil that that in cheers.


I am looking for ideas to tidy up my engine bay.

Any suggestions, photos or links would be great.

If you want to do this your better off looking on some sort of vw:der: site and looking at wire tucks, there nuts about it not like us rough and ready nissan drivers:lol:


New Member
sure theres a post on here of peoples engine bays, get a look through all the pics then get some ideas from that?