Bee R limiter


Active Member
Not sure if i would really want to use one on a gtir just through the fear of throwing a rocker,as ed said it is all abit random to if it happens but when it does it can ni on right the engine off.

Just for a small bit of peace of mind i would also recheck all your valve clearences to make sure the rocker sits as evenly as possibly under the cam lobe,and fit the rocker stoppers as bob mentions.

I use an omex limiter on my uno and it works pretty well,it is basicly as mentioned just an ignition cut limiter.
Its quite a smooth limiter and has the choise of a hard or soft cut limit, i think the soft cut just comes in 200rpm before your main set limit but is rev through able.
I think the bee r is possibly more adjustable with a gain setting but i would set it to the softest setting you can find.

The launch limiter on the omex also works really well on the uno:lol:not sure about on the gtir but on the uno where the turbo is the size of a peanut it makes decent boost without any adjustment to the timing,not that you can use this boost in a fwd:doh:

Also i think i read when using these types of limiter the egt's wil sore,as you have proberly seen with the bee r scooby vid on youtube:lol:so i would not abuse it.

Heres the omex one on the uno,the vid was taken as it was actually broken at the time(as can be seen by my idle) and had to be sent back to omex as it had a duff capasiter from new.
The pops are mostly due to not letting the engine warm up,safe:roll::lol:

4k limit
And the main limiter
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no none in at the mo but think ed has some sets iirc, their not dear anyway

if not then any of the jap stockist do them or horsham developments do them also


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Active Member
Yeah its no guarantee:lol:

I have seen that thread before, but having thrown rockers in the past without ras and it making a pretty big mess, i though what harm can ras do:lol:
To be fair the pistons only just kissed the valves on a couple of cylinders but still enough to bend the valves,the bottom end survived though.
It ended up with i think 5 thrown rockers,some broke, a chunk out of the cam and a stretched chain,which i am not sure if it was the cause or happened during.
Maybe with ras it would of damaged the pistons worse with the valve contact mostly on one cylinder,but tbh if a rocker breaks free under there you are in trouble either way imo.

Also reading that thread and not really understanding valve float gets me confused:oops:
What is he saying there,that the main cause for a rocker coming free is due to valve float from an over rev?
Where i dont really understand valve float i cant really comment,but is the sole reason for rockers coming free/breaking,and the sides of castle guides snapping off etc all due to valve float?
Do the gtir stock springs suffer from this?do you get valve float when bounching the limiter?
Then i sort of read it as if you do then fit new springs and retainers and cure valve float that ras are a good idea?

I am not sure tbh,i know the poster is very knowledgeable/respected but on my past experiances i am going to stick with the ras,if it makes a worse mess than last time i will be impressed:lol::doh:

I need to understand this valve float a little better tbh.


You are not gonna throw a rocker if you set the revlimit low I had one on my skyline years ago when I bought it was already on it,you could set the rev limit to say 6k it would cut fuel then ignite the fuel etc and cause the massive pops and bangs you talk about. I don't recommend them but its personal choice at the nd of the day :)


im not much good at explaining things in writing but valve float is mainly caused by bigger cams and the speed/angle the cam comes off its profile, couple this with too weak a spring and over revving causes the valve spring to bounce/float/hover
thats the best way i can describe it

is true with the rocker stoppers but ive found its better to have them than not as they definately do help with keeping those rockers in place.
also something else that people can do to help this is by fitting 2 rocker locator shims instead of the one per rocker, this massively helps with keeping things in place as its hard for them to jump with 4 sides to each rocker.
i maybe just lucky but ive never thrown a rocker on a gtir......thrown a wobbler on a few occasions though:lol:

also make sure your clearances arent excessive on valves as that wont help either
Well cheers for the responses guys, I think I'll fit some rocker stoppers and fit the unit for now and have the limiter set to 6K before the stock one. Once I get it remapped I'll sell the Bee R on. No harm in having the stoppers anyway for peace of mind if anything. Now I'll just have to worry about something else breaking...good old Pulsars :)