blue injectors


New Member
as I said, read my posts and you'll find all kinds of grammatical aberrations. Most posts have- except Steve Pudneys as far as I can tell. Text talk can be hard to follow though. Pot kettle black.....


Well-Known Member
its not really an issue though there is no need in giving him shit every post for it, we're on a car forum not in a spelling class, maybe if its that much of an issue you should add something so the common "text" characters are not aloud to be typed then the grammar police can lay to rest
It is a real issue as far as I'm concerned it's bad manners and make the poster look like a moron, I'm not helping someone that can't be bothered to take the time to use the Queens language. It's not the school playground or twitter/facebook or any other moronic form of communication young people seem to use these days.



Well-Known Member

Enough said.

Grammar isn't the issue not everyone went to public school, I'm dyslexic so I never took English at school and left when I was 15 but I still take the time to try and spell properly. And I don't use text speak even when sending a text on my phone, I use the Queens language to the best of my ability especially when writing a reply on forums, You should try using text speak on the Saab forum you'd be banned in a heart beat lol.

It's not much to ask is it ?.



New Member
and that is probably why forums lose members, the people who judge and flame people because they didnt spell a few words correctly, it isnt a big deal and to make a big deal out of something so petty just makes you look just as much of an a$$hole as the person you are criticising.


Staff member
A few words is not the issue. - Everyone makes spelling mistakes, and spell checkers don't always know the word you were trying to use.
It's about clarity of communication, and it's not just forums. Take the French for example; they have a national policy of replacing non-French words with approved French ones.

The fact it gets on people's nerves says something.

Like Rob, I'm also dyslexic and had to attend the "special classes" whilst in primary school.
However, I think grammar is the appropriate term: the system and structure of language, consisting of syntax and morphology.

Strangely enough, it's usually the syntax which gives away that someone is not a native English speaker but it doing their best in a foreign language. - That doesn't bother anyone.


New Member
I'm badly dyslexic as well and had to work really hard to approximate good English; I still do. It does cheese me off when others, blatantly, can't be bothered to make the effort. However, I'm not really in a position to criticise genuine inability.

If you think people are judgmental on here try applying for a job, a loan, a course of study or emailing an employer, colleague, supplier or official in shockingly bad English and see how you get on.


New Member
I'm sorry i get it wrong sometimes can we all just give up on it now because it going on now and it was a genuine mistake. Thank you tony


Well-Known Member
I'm sorry i get it wrong sometimes can we all just give up on it now because it going on now and it was a genuine mistake. Thank you tony
Hi Tony don't feel picked on mate it's turned into a debate about text speak not just you, We don't mind missspelt words I do it myself if the spell checker doesn't pick up a word out of context, It's more the use of text speak on the forum mate it's just lazy and there isn't any need. It doesn't mean we don't like you mate your just being told off by the grumpy grown ups lol.


New Member
Ok mate and I will try and get some picture up soon just trying to figure out how to do it not got many though only just got car about month ago but sorry about all this tony


Well-Known Member
Ok mate and I will try and get some picture up soon just trying to figure out how to do it not got many though only just got car about month ago but sorry about all this tony
Tony have you got a photo bucket account ?, If not then get one it's free. you can then upload pictures from your computer/phone and then just copy the {img} link and post it up in your thread job jobbed matey.


New Member
I look forward to seeing it, mate. I uploaded my photos to photobucket then pasted a link into a post. Seemed to work OK. As Rob said we're a bunch of grumpy old gits having a rant, but I'd steer clear of the text speak or you'll set the mods off again.

johnny gtir

Well-Known Member
Genuine question is there or their which ever bloody one I need a spell check if I use my I phone to reply on the forum ?


Well-Known Member
Is there a spell check I can use when writing replies to threads on here if I am using my iphone 5 ?
My phone normally picks up any spelling mistakes or rather gives me a proper spelling of the word I'm attempting to spell very badly lol, I wouldn't worry to much about spelling mistakes mate no one is going to pick on you for those we all make them, It's the text speak that's the problem for most people not the odd spelling mistake.
