After a weekend i need a reason to still wanna by a pulsar



heres my tuppence worth lol

i deal with these cars and there owners every day, and if im honest i think a lot of lads that buy them CANNOT afford to run or maintain them.
theres a few older members on here (including myself) that 'without being bigheaded' do have the spare cash to run them comfortably.
so basically if your just on a normal wage then i would not buy one if i were you.

you also need to be a mechanic, or have a very good understanding of mechanics to own one, or it will skint you with garage costs etc

i see lads every week that cant really afford to own these cars, they go to work and spend every penny they have on them:der: fcuked if i would have done that when i was younger and out on the pull. Better off spending your money on clubbing n pubbing and having a good time8)

if you buy one of these, unless your minted, you will grow to resent it and then sell it for peanuts to someone like myself 'when it all goes wrong'
but if you dont mind spending loads of cash on a lump of tin then go ahead and buy one! they are good fun when there all running correctly!


Lets face it's not a car for skint chav's who's job is stacking shelves at tesco's.....

So unless you live with your mummy and earn 20k plus you might as well f*ck right off.



New Member
correcto ! glad to NOT be living with mummy and daddy :)

£40K a year ;-) JUST about covers house, car , repairs, fuel, etc.... its all good fun !


New Member
Whilst all the above is true, everyone who ever sees you in the car will automatically brand you as a chav scumbag in a 17yr old datsun with a stupid bonnet vent and a drainpipe exhaust.

It's only R owners that will show you any respect, and as they are so far and few between, that won't happen very often.

It wouldn't surprise me if you could do a degree in shelf stacking, the world is a crazy place.


From someone who has only been driving my R for about three months now I have to agree with Pulsarboy and Odin, they are expensive to run, much more than I would have thought, and there is still a few more repairs that I need to do on mine. In three months, I've had to change the brake discs, slave cylinder and clutch master cylinder, and yeah it's all good saying that you wanna do the work yourself, which I did, but the price of parts still adds up, so take into consideration how much extra cash you have each month before you take the plunge. Thats just my opinion. Oh and one more thing, my bumper fell off yesterday, haha.

Apart from that I love it and the smile it gives me everytime I go for a drive.


Now in all seriousness they are a great little car when running properly, In standard form they are nothing special at all but 1 bar and over they are very fast indeed, All the 5hite about them not handling as well as this or that is b0llox in my opinion, OK as standard they are not the greatest thing around a corner but still loads better than some other cars, But with a few well chosen mods they can be made to handle better than most and you'll run out of driving talent before they go off the road, In the wet is another matter but that's the same as any other car.....

Reliability isn't that bad on a well looked after car and defiantly no worse than any other 17 year old turbo car, It all depends how it's been looked after by it's previous owners, Mine ran faultlessly for over two years to and from work everyday, Only coming off the road when I started buggering about with it :doh: :oops:

The standard brakes however or shockingly poor :roll:, But most have had upgrades of some kind by now.

Best advice I can give is buy the best car you can afford and only buy one if you can afford to repair it, Otherwise don't bother.

It's no good buying one on a shoe string and then come back on here whining like a little girl when something goes wrong with it, We've had enough of those kind of losers of late :shock: :der: .

Just remember that the pulsar is a group 20 to insure and you'll be lucky to get 20 mpg, So if you can afford these costs then go for it matey, If not buy a ford ;-), And save your pocket money for a bit longer :lol: :lol: :lol: .



Keira said:
this thread is the worst thread ever :lol:

Thats probably the best statement so far :doh: :roll: .

I resisted the temptation to do a proper post for ages ;-) , Just happened to catch me at a particularly bored moment :shock: :der: .



New Member
dan said:
He said that the brakes are crap
true - standard brakes utter tosh, if your heavy on the brakes, it needs more disc area and multipot calipers to be driven point and squirt IMHO, but certain styles of driving would be fine.

dan said:
and that it cnt go round corners
they understeer like dogs if pushed hard when lowered, however they are magic if you get the bump steer sorted, and you have to drive them through the corner on the throttle to let the clever differentials do their work.

dan said:
he had a 600 pound nismo clutch what went after one launch.
decent clutches are available, but launching any car is going to stress components, especially 15 year old components, expect to have to change it once a year if you like to launch, more often possibly

like these other guys said, if you don't have money to burn or know how do all the work yourself (taking engine out to do clutch / box) i would steer clear, there are plenty of scoobies and evo's going for very reasonabl money.

one final note, GTI-r's are faster than most similar things because they weigh less.

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New Member
they aint to bad to run i think but then i've had mine less than a month and spent a grand on breaks ect when they finally turn up..


Will be starting at job that pays about 20k a year, im only 21 and still live with my mum, and pay 120 pound a month board so think i can afford it..