Anniversary stickers??


Staff member
Hey Steve

I have done a quick ask around in oz and so far have 28 responses if only single items are obtainable and 53 if the want value is added.

It appears however, that there may be a bit of animosity about selling them as I do understand that they were for those who attended the UK meet.

If it pans out that sale is not to progress then I would have another request.

Would it be possible to get a copy of the artwork with the following change, where the GTI-R logo is we would change it to GTI-ROZ logo as like the header on the oz forum.

Let me know your comments and outcome.

Ok, I've just had an email from Shalom regarding this and have had a change of heart. He to was after the artwork.

I did the artwork and only had a few stickers made up with the intention of them being a limited edition memento for the uk paid oc members that attended the event only.
I have discussed this subject with a few guys over here (since speaking to you Gary) and I have now decided not to release or edit the artwork and that the remaining unsold stickers are to be given out to the OC paid members that attended the meet but missed out on collecting there sticker. Any remaining stickers will not be sold or given out to anyone else.

So without trying to be mean you can't have the's mine :lol::lol::lol:



Staff member
gees steve - makes it sound like something i said :p

ftr - we (being the oz members) were just after a bunch of stickers, or failing that, the artwork so we could print our own,
but we understand and respect the desire for you guys to keep them as a special uk anniversary meet momento...

i hope all the paid oc member attendees respect their specialness ;)
