Anti Lag - Engine Problems



owners fault imo

people think that they can take a car on a track use and abuse it and it will never blow up:roll:
wrong mentality......if your gonna abuse it then it WILL break at some stage just as rally engines, f1 engines and any other motorsport engine do
when it DOES break no use whining about it


Staff member
Is this the same guy who came on the forums to abuse a previous customer with a failed engine? - I can see why he feels the need to get in first and say "it's not my fault if you rag the shit out of it".

If you bought a new car and flogged it, would you really expect the dealer to repair the damage you did? You know they wouldn't because you hadn't followed the run-in process nor the regular servicing maintenance; this is no different... especially with some home modifications added.

As you say Boby, motorsports engines always give-out after a while; the trick is getting it to last just long enough to finish the race/series/event. - Look at how often F1 engines failed before they changed the rules about how many you could use.
Drag cars are another good example; they're regularly stripped-down and rebuilt as they just don't last otherwise.

Interesting to see Mr Norris weigh-in to say that it should have been set-up to stop the abuse, and that would have avoided this.

red reading

Active Member
Numpty car owner, I know mark and I use the same machinest as well......let's just say the machinest is rather good.


Well-Known Member
I've never heard a bad word about mark shead.

Gotta agree, owners fault


Staff member
ALS with a sump full of running in mineral oil :der:
I can see why so many people are saying "why did you let him run the ALS when the engine wasn't run-in", but ultimately you've got to assume the owner would be sensible. - Sounds like he just lost his mind with the excitement of it, and borked the engine... then came crying because he'd broken his new toy.

There's probably a lesson there; if you build and tune an engine like that, don't turn the ALS on until it's fully run-in and you're sure the client understands what it will do if the use it all the time.


Well-Known Member
Its the MLR....what do you expect :roll:
It does seem to have gone downhill over the last few years. There is a lot of useful stuff on there if you can find it amongst the tuner bashing threads and childish arguments :lol:

That thread does highlight pretty well why you should always warm an engine up properly before giving it any abuse though!


the reason its gone downhill is because like pulsars, scoobies and every other high performance car thats become cheap to buy theres a whole new breed of people that simply do not understand the costs, risks that are involved in running such cars.
they think they are a mainstream car that you can rag the living daylights out of and it should'nt break because it was built for the job

oh how wrong they are! and when they find out the realities they start whining about it or flog it off in bits lol

fubar andy

Moderator & N/W Rep
Staff member
It does seem to have gone downhill over the last few years. There is a lot of useful stuff on there if you can find it amongst the tuner bashing threads and childish arguments :lol:
It's not what is once was, Bob's also right that more douche bags now own Evo's which brings the mindset down. Too often I find posts that I think are going to be of real interest and (let's say) 40% end up being full crap or slag match!

Worse posts is when people put a sticker on their car, make a thread about it (with photos) and people then reply "we'll done" .....good grief! :roll:


Active Member
I've been reading that too, gut says mad aren't to blame. Theres running in with boost to bed the rings in but als from cold is daft to say the least.
The owner is jumping on the idea that it shouldnt be enabled on cold water temps but manufacturers don't generally limit power in the same conditions, you have use your common sense.


Well-Known Member
the MLR are a funny bunch really bless them
used to go on there regularly as I own a evo also myself but don't bother know as it like a willy waving contest on there now hahahah
You're spot on there, I've been keeping an eye on this thread and thats gone the same way now :roll: I think certain traders are the biggest children on that site. Probably because they're the ones that line the MLR pockets :lol:
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red reading

Active Member
I heard something interesting today, it's taken boris 2 years to build a gtir engine.....that the owner supplied almost all the parts......and it's still not even done and as for the's nearly treble the original.


Well-Known Member
That doesn't surprise me one bit, his name came up whilst i was chatting to somebody from work at the Autosport show recently and apparently we've closed his account now because of the way he's spoken to some of our staff :lol:


Active Member
I ended up having a pop,why i dont know:oops::lol:

He just seems to come across as such an up himself muppet that thinks he is superior to everyone else that baited me i think:lol: