

Active Member
I to have read that the bee r limiters are not to good to use on the sr20 engines,think a few people have thrown rockers using these.

Another option if you must have it is with nistune, as i think ed mentioned he can map in a launch limiter on these,still not sure how safe it is though?

You could also proberly map in pops and bangs on nistune like the evo lot do with ecu flash?

Only works on deacceleration and i dont think it causes any damage to your car, other than maybe wearing out your silencer abit quicker and making it a bit lumpyer to drive in the low revs.


Active Member
you could make a front exit exhaust, thats loud and it will pop and bang like a Nova on two cylinders


Im not saying get a bee r by any means what so ever. I was just suggesting a solution to what the topic starter wanted. I would never have one again


Staff member
Im not saying get a bee r by any means what so ever. I was just suggesting a solution to what the topic starter wanted. I would never have one again
:lol: I think we all know what you meant. - If you want to get bangs and flames coming out of the exhaust, it's a good way to achieve it.


it was already on my skyline when i bought this was about 7 years ago. They were hard to come by back then i remember people pm me on the owners club asking to buy it they were meant to be a safety device for hitting the rev limit so it didnt run lean. They had good write ups back then obviously they have been around now and people have realised they are not really very good for your engine at all.


New Member
I use a launch control with very success. I can build some boost on start which helps not to bog down. It does pop and bang but for a very good reason.

Jon Olds

Well-Known Member
Guys, I am after real knowledge of anti lag for my tarmac rally
car. Mainly, how is it implemented?
At present, my tarmac car is SLOW out of chicanes, and I am only able to pass people at high speed and on the brakes.
ie I am losing 50-100M on corner exit, every time
Any body have some proper tech input|

Fusion Ed

Active Member
I can add to stock ecu / nistune but say bye bye gearbox... :) I think its quite nuts tho lolol. Fastest passenger pulsar ride I ever felt was testing launch-control/anti lag lol.

Fusion Ed

Active Member
Jon for true anti lag you need a proper ecu to control it. Something like the Syvecs S6GP. But fitted and mapped your looking 2K+ benefits however easily make up for the £££

Jon Olds

Well-Known Member
I am quite handy with control type stuff, so could arrange a controller to initiate exhaust spark/fuel on certain conditions. What I am after is a technical starting point. Thanks for the response, I will start searching on S6GP


The new version of Nismotronic is going to include this. I'm currently running V1 which has launch control and spark cut but is totally different than anti lag.

Jon Olds

Well-Known Member
Good write up. Its a starting point. I have removed all the plumbing for the idle stabilisation, so maybe can use the throttle bypass facility as my starting point. Looks like I need some analogue data plots to establish a baseline of what I have now. Little optical sensor shining onto the compressor blades to get a speed measurement? Other pressures/temps/throttle positions should be relatively easy. Laptop with an six channel analogue PCMCIA card? Bit of graphing software with data export to XL?
Interesting little project, if I get the time.
Any more write ups around?
was initially thinking of using the hot BOV air somehow fed back to try and spin the turbine

johnny gtir

Well-Known Member
john could i just ask the turbo you run is big and i am sure you said restricted is there a reason you use that turbo.I run a 2860 tails off boost higher up the revs but it spools super quick.Maybe puts stress on box it spools that quick i don't know but heavily tested on b roads and its unreal response


Is there any good solution to provide air enough for als on GTIR without open throttle?
I made some mods on thottle bodies, but there isnt enought space to drill holes after the trottle plates.
The idle valve has also small diameter.