Bad cold start, what am i missing

Update! If i block the pcv it starts and the afr's come down from 15.1 to 12.1,
i remember years back people used to block the pcv off can this still be done safley? Will it throw my mapping out by miles? Cheers.


Staff member
Mine is blocked-off at that end, but still breathing through the inlet pipework at the other end. - By definition; you should only be pulling crank case emissions through the PCV when the manifold is under vacuum, so it should have no effect on your mapping (since that covers positive manifold pressure).

Do you get a lot of blow-by from the crank case? I'm just wondering why it won't idle when the PCV is open.

Maybe the problem is that the PCV is stuck open and at low revs the air is going into the crank case?


Staff member
The experts may say otherwise, but my understanding is that as long as you've got a crank case breather you're fine. - Mine goes back through the inlet manifold anyway, but I'd rather burn the emissions when there's lots of air to dilute them rather than under vacuum.

That means that I do get a fine coating of oil on everything on the inlet side, but I figure it does the turbo no harm to get some lubrication on the outside of the seals (again, someone may correct me). - I am a little concerned that this may mean my intercooler is slowly filling with oil, but the engine doesn't seem to use any oil so there can't be that much to collect in it.
Yep cheers red as also confirmed by ed via pm.
I will block it off properly in the morning keep my fingers crossed and turn the key.
just how perfect should it run from cold? Baring in mind the larger injecters should it run and rev perfect from cold or should i expect a little hesitation until warm?
Well it started better this morning, but still took four or so attempts and cut bak out on throttle.
but it was still a million times better, and after a couple mins of idle was perfect much more responsive than it was.
Im thinking i need to take it for a run as it has been laid up for two years so to give it a fair chance im gonna do a couple of odd jobs take it for a run and see what its like from there.