Choice of Helix clutch or Exedy?


Active Member
ap organic is good the helix will hold more torque though
both paddles will hold fair amount of power just a bit nasty to drive


New Member
Hi all, I have a Helix uprated heavy duty clutch, this is the one that Terry at Helix designed around my spec and request, (its a similar clamping capacity to a skyline clutch) and so far it has held easily 390bhp and 340+ torque but the good part is its nice and light on the left foot, and still uses an organic spinner, It has also been very good with a couple of hard launches and not slipped like the old Helix



My last helix organic only ever slipped on me once when i accelerated through 1st with 3 people in the car. It hadnt slipped before and has never since. That was with 330bhp and 300 lb ft. It always made funny noises but never complained.

Having read round an RPS is looking the right way to go a long with a nismo clutch fork and some form of strengthening (weld, plates) something like that.

fubar andy

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Staff member
DanDud said:
Having read round an RPS is looking the right way to go a long with a nismo clutch fork and some form of strengthening (weld, plates) something like that.
...pretty much, oh and you’ll have one leg much stronger than the other! :lol:


New Member
DanDud said:
some form of strengthening (weld, plates) something like that.
Don't bother strengtherning the plate by welding it as all your doing is making the metal weaker! if your going to do anything then either get a brand new one or get the old one shot peened.


I had the 1st RPS max street cluch and Pulsar so i can say iver never ever had any problems with it also i have sold and fitted a good number of them.

The RPS will take a hell of a lot of power befor you start to see any problems i yet to have a customer of mine come back saying they have had a problm with there clutch.

Also which is a + for you all the prices for the RPS have come down wich is even beter.



Mr GTiR said:
Don't bother strengtherning the plate by welding it as all your doing is making the metal weaker! if your going to do anything then either get a brand new one or get the old one shot peened.
iwhen i had clutch fitted it was with a brand new fork, thats why im looking to strengthen it becuase it bent in 3 months. I also fitted an uprated pivot from hiteq the last time its down to the weight of the clutch, but i like the feel of it.


there was only 2 failures on excedy clutch both same guy less than 2 weeks apart i know i fitted them ( AND CORRECTLY BEFORE ANYONE SAYS A WORD) i fitted 4 others and none failed draw your own conclusion from that ;)
personally would never use rps again after numerous problems and the un needed excessive heavy pedal


Active Member
What would you guys say is the best paddle center plate to take high torque? as i want to keep my hks cover,do you think the rps has got the best center plate for high power or is there better out there.


New Member
I've got an exeedy organic in my R and i've had no probs what so ever the way i see is if simon norris (norris design) is selling them then the exeedy must be good.

i'v also head that rps clutchs have had there fair share of problems too!?!


From what i have read on here every clutch has had a good comment and a bad comment, its like buying any other product. Occasionally you will get maybe 1 or a few bad ones in a batch and the people who pick them up are unlucky. But the majority are generally fine.

Also Norris designs have got a good reputation for fantistic work from a lot of people but from what i have seen i wouldnt touch them with a barge pole (obviously its down to personal opinion and a lot of people will dissagree with me - fair enough). Also they sell the HKS fuel cut defender which is completely useless on an R, so to me they are just out to make money out of parts, and the work is not to any kind of standard you would expect unless Simon Norris himself works on the car (Again personal opinion so dont flame me. But 1 of my friends worked with Simon a few times in the past and said he was a perfectionist but a few of his staff are/were bodgers) I mean £1000 for an intercooler and pipework - Come on!

gtir bean

New Member
my mate has an rps clutch and the pedal feels well heavy compared to mine.mine is rated for 450 lb ft but not sure about the rps