clutch pics



Humm you'd be hard pressed to tell the difference between that and my HKS one!

Only thing can see different is that hks is not marked on the front but then again maybe same company made this one as made the hks ones or even nismo ones like the way AP make a lot of OE ones in any case id say it has a little bit more clamping force i was told using a helix plate with mine would be ok for the same amount as helix organic or ceramatallic kits are rated for by helix so around 350LB's or roughly 400 hp


New Member
nitrosgti-r said:
here are the pics of the clutch i would like to identify if poss please peeps

Thats the same one i have on the shelf in my garage with the anodised bits,be buggerd if i know what make it is though :lol:


New Member
sound job then!!!! im unsure as to what make it is obviously but i think i might have to take a chance on this then and see if it slips or not??

i will let you know........

cheers chaps, im a happy chopper agian :)


New Member
I took one of these clutches out of my 'R' last year and it held 328bhp on the odd occasion for 2 years with no signs of slipping 8) ,its now in another 'R' thats done 10 trackdays upto yet running a bar and still going strong.


Active Member
jpward said:
Humm you'd be hard pressed to tell the difference between that and my HKS one!

Only thing can see different is that hks is not marked on the front but then again maybe same company made this one as made the hks ones or even nismo ones like the way AP make a lot of OE ones in any case id say it has a little bit more clamping force i was told using a helix plate with mine would be ok for the same amount as helix organic or ceramatallic kits are rated for by helix so around 350LB's or roughly 400 hp
My HKS clutch is marked on the front and is also almost a chrome finich?
Heres a poor quality pic:lol:


New Member
Nitros,have you fit this clutch yet?If not then dont bother mate,i had one of these in my garage until today when i fit it to a mates car,started the car and there was a hell of a noise coming from the box when the clutch was pressed,pulled everything back off again only to find that the anodised sections of the pressure plate were hitting the inside of the gearbox where the starter sits.Compared it to the Helix pressure plate i removed and the anodised sections sit proud of the flywheel.


Shaun said:
Nitros,have you fit this clutch yet?If not then dont bother mate,i had one of these in my garage until today when i fit it to a mates car,started the car and there was a hell of a noise coming from the box when the clutch was pressed,pulled everything back off again only to find that the anodised sections of the pressure plate were hitting the inside of the gearbox where the starter sits.Compared it to the Helix pressure plate i removed and the anodised sections sit proud of the flywheel.
By much?


New Member
Not a huge amount but enough to catch the gearbox and gowge around 2mm deep X 5mm wide.I suppose they could be trimmed back but dont want to risk a failure and have bits of pressure plate flying around at 7000revs.


Shaun said:
Not a huge amount but enough to catch the gearbox and gowge around 2mm deep X 5mm wide.I suppose they could be trimmed back but dont want to risk a failure and have bits of pressure plate flying around at 7000revs.
Would they have hit on an SX box is what i am thinking as also could yours be a sx clutch?

Would not have thought a OE designed clutch would be any different dimensionally :?


New Member
I do remember a while ago(couple of years maybe)that there was a post about the SX clutches hitting the gearbox when fitted to the GTiR so stands a chance it could be off a 200SX although i purchased it with a GTiR box.The difference between this and the oem is that the lugs are slightly longer and the anonodised section is bent over the end of the lugs.The oem lugs have been machined too.


Shaun said:
I do remember a while ago(couple of years maybe)that there was a post about the SX clutches hitting the gearbox when fitted to the GTiR so stands a chance it could be off a 200SX although i purchased it with a GTiR box.The difference between this and the oem is that the lugs are slightly longer and the anonodised section is bent over the end of the lugs.The oem lugs have been machined too.
Must check the HKS before I fit it but I am pretty sure there's no issue with it :?


New Member
oh dear thats not good news then. i have fitted it but i am still waiting for some bits to come before i fire it up for the first time. i will look closely at this and if any noises occur i wil know what it is and keep you posted.

cheers mate

good luck me lol