crap off the mrs


Guess i'm lucky then my missus was helping me strip out the wiring loom from my old R the other weekend. The car(s) tolerated but I get the feeling I will be made to pay one day lol :)


New Member
Effin wierdos all of them wish I had the balls to be gay (he hee) mine knows that my R is number one but still tries to stop me working on it ffs


New Member
You lot go shopping with your other halfs :shock: :doh: :der:

I've spent that much time p1$$ing and moaning that mine just leaves me at home :thumbsup: So every sat "The Wife" goes shopping with her mum and Matthew and leaves me at home to mess about with cars :thumbsup:

You lot need to get "the other half" trained :lol:

geoff pine

Well-Known Member
You seam to have approached this from the wrong angle my miss'es knows if im in the garage messing with my car. Then im not in trouble at the football not in the pub all night and not out chasing the ladys.


This is a fecking great post, I've just about pissed my pants reading it all. Just makes me even more glad that I'm single the now. Cheers lads.


Staff member
Not all woman are that bad......Us woman are strange things! One minute all nicey nicey the next we are complete & utter b*tches :lol:

Make sure you spend some 'quality' time with her now & again & she will be as happy as larry!

micra man

diesel weasel said:
tell her to fook off then..

i had it years ago with mine when i was sorting some stuff for my old black one, she told me if i buy it shes had enough, i asked for 2 :lol:

packed her bags for her and dropped her at her mums in the morning.

couple of weeks later lesson was learned, aslong as they're not completely neglected and get the odd thing they want they have no right making ultimatums..

the minute you let them say what you can and cant do with your time and money you are doomed, next one would be 'i dont want you going out'

ever since that incident mine has been fine and has only whinged twice since i started the yellow cars build, one was when i sold an unused quaiffe for less than it cost me to buy the ppg and the second time was after we left phils (bracpans) and she'd over heard me and phil talking about cars catching fire and fire extinquishers, she waited till we got home from wales and told me i was an idiot spending so much on a car that might burst into flames :lol: she has a point i

a quote from diesel that actuallys spot on yupppppeeeeeeee
women are morons put the foot down they dont like it feck um off.
the worse you treat them the more they love you:thumbsup:


Active Member
You lot are lucky your missus leaves the R alone! About a month ago my bird thought it would be a good idea to advertise her car at an inflated price to gauge interest. She got a buyer who wanted it there n then, and so has been driving the R every day for work ever since! :roll:

At least with the new fuel bill she doesnt have enough money to go shopping!! :lol: :thumbsup:

rx jamie

New Member
lmao. my missus knows the score. ive told her. You make me change my hobbies and you are trying to change me as a person. you try and change me as a person and you obviously dont like the person i am anymore thats when i'll have to move out......back to my parents .........with my cars....with my rent free extra money lmao
shes is now an obviously very understanding partner :D


Active Member
I love all this bravado in front of other 'men' ! :lol: It always puzzles me why 'men' feel the need to do this :confused: It does amuse me though !
I bet if you guy's were out with your better halves, you'd be completely different and wouldn't say anything like what you put up here ;-0


New Member
youngsyp said:
I bet if you guy's were out with your better halves, you'd be completely different and wouldn't say anything like what you put up here ;-0
no bravado here mate, mine actually answers to 'trollop' as a nickname :lol: