Drove my car today, First time since 3rd Feb!


New Member
My god I forgot what it felt like LOL!

Let it warm up at my house, left it for best part of 10 mins running, checking all gaskets, for any signs of anything that shouldn't be happening etc, then jumped in it and took it for a spin around the avenue I live....

Love it! Apart from the eaton supercharger type noise from leaving my funnel from doing gearbox fluids, on the engine and it dripped onto the alt belt:doh: :roll: :lol:

All burnt off now though:oops:

Here she is anyway, Just gotta clean it tomorrow now :thumbsup: :thumbsup:



New Member
Not worried about the plates, My car goes everywhere.. if it gets nicked it gets nicked lol,

Its what I pay insurance for :lol:

Thanks though :thumbsup:


New Member
Gearbox felt fine mate, Cheers!! I did crunch it though:oops: , but I think thats the clutch, Gonna bleed it tomorrow again...

Is there a certain way to do it?

Undo nib, lid of bottle, and press clutch until it squirts through?


yep thats it. tighten the bleed nipple whilst pedal is pressed to floor, same as you do with brakes!


Active Member
i dont think you insurance will cover the car at all fella read the small print... mine is still causing me grief and the accidnet was over 20 months ago:shock: :doh: :evil:


New Member
What because of number plates shown on the internet!? How so..

So what if someone else takes a picture of my car at a show and puts it up on another forum I don't use....

I'd be none the wiser about it.


deleted due to unscrupulous types reading and learning;-)
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I haven't driven mine since the same day as you. It's another 20 odd weks until i get to. :(

Congrats on the drive though!

rx jamie

New Member
nice one mate. ive just started driving mine aswell. first time since september 07 lol. there was so many teething problems with it i was gonna sell it. until i drove it again. you forget how good they are when they are sat on your drive !


New Member
CanadianR , gunmetalgtir How come boys??

rx jamie

Tell me about it, Ive had ****ing loads go wrong. I think the problem was the guy I bought it off, was my mate Chris (he uses the modded gtir site) but he never used it daily, where as I do!

So it just started to go wrong, Window shattered for no reason, Water pump went, Box went, Head Gasket went, Brakes needed doing, all gaskets, exhaust needed sorting, bumper wasn't mounted right, Power steering fluid, done two rads, wiring was shocking (I've sorted most of it now), boost pipe cracked on a weld, alarm went tits up (sorted)...

Thats it off the top of my head, But I'm sure theres more LOL

I'm keeping it now though, Done to much to it and I love driving it, Plus you never see them ever!

The only problem I have no is the shims :doh: When I had my headgasket done by a company called "Torque of the Devil" in West London area, They never put them back properly and its sounds ****ing awful:sad:


New Member
I cancelled my insurance and sent my tax back to put it off the road for winter, bought new decks, a new laptop, loads of new clothes, been out every weekend etc etc and haven't bothered putting it back on the road yet because I've been too busy going out and enjoying life instead of ploughing all of my cash into a car! :lol:

Makes me wonder if I'm ever going to tax and insure it again! :lol: :lol: :lol:


New Member
I have the best of both worlds but my social life comes first.... , I never wanted to take mine off the road though, It broke :lol: