Eeek! My Gtir sounds like a WRX 2


New Member
piston gone

hey all, it seems that i may have melted a piston then as my R is now running like a wrx. I have just recently upgraded the fuel pump and all was good until i sprung a major oil leak in the rocker cover gasket. Just fixed that the week end and on the way home tonight i now have a wrx?? Checked all the leads plugs etc and n0 4 plug is black oily? But im thinking thats down to the nos??

Is there any checks i can do for my self to check the pistons etc??

Please help?

Innovate Performance

Re: piston gone

nitrosgti-r said:
hey all, it seems that i may have melted a piston then as my R is now running like a wrx. I have just recently upgraded the fuel pump and all was good until i sprung a major oil leak in the rocker cover gasket. Just fixed that the week end and on the way home tonight i now have a wrx?? Checked all the leads plugs etc and n0 4 plug is black oily? But im thinking thats down to the nos??

Is there any checks i can do for my self to check the pistons etc??

Please help?
Yeah do a compression check. should be around 150 or above PSI. If not then :(

Fast Guy

Staff member
Given Gingas track record with Nos, you've probably broken the ring land on number 4 piston :(


New Member

i done a compression test and number 4 is 100 psi and the plug is black and oily? could it just be the head gasket gone or???


Well-Known Member
Didnt realise you had an oily plug :? and nitrous :shock:

In that case ignore what i said in my pm just now :lol: Like fast guy said its probably a ring land :(


New Member

Yes im gutted too mate, im gonna have to resort back to a trustee mini now and cut my losses :x :oops:

I think they were 80 bhp jets and the were positioned in the TMIC, just before the pelenium. The jets were positioned in such a way that the nitros wouldn't go staight into chambers, this was done by a proper nos bloke. I didn't use the stuff very often any way as i was unsure if i was getting enough fuel in as it would splutter so i put a walbro pump in and now its blown with out even trying out the nos!!!!......blx!!!!!


Well-Known Member
So if i've read that right the nitrous system you had was basically just chucking in gas and no extra fuel :shock: Sounds like a bit of a dodgy set up to me :wink:

I'd get it fixed and ditch the nitrous :wink: Nitrous is cheating anyway :mrgreen:

I'll pm you later about your engine :wink:


New Member

na its got 2 pipes mate, one for the nos and another for the fuel, he said it was a wet nos set up, and both the pipes go into a T-type bit and then into the top mount.

Chat soon then......


New Member

na its a wet one lol. Mark, i really dunno whats goin on with it now cos i just picked it up from outside my mates and all was well? felt really solid. Would this mean its not terminal in your opinion? Im thinking electrical now? But that wouldn't explain the 100 psi on #4 would it, grrr :oops:


Well-Known Member
It must be something bad to have oil on the plug and low compression on that cylinder :wink:

If you want i'll take a look at it for you as you're not that far away :?:


does it smoke at allwhen your driving it? especially whan on boost? if so then you engine is in need of a rebuild, if not...then the ring lands are prob fine. could be a leaking hg or a bad valve seat seal. mines broken the ring lands im pretty sure of it, it smokes like a biatch on boost and not on tickover, however when i did a comp test they all came up around the 160psi mark! :shock:


Well-Known Member
I'll be working on my car all week but its all going back together so well that i'm sure i can spare an hour or two to look at yours :wink:

Just pm me and let me know when you want to do it.


New Member

the car doesn't smoke at all, not even on boost? It does smell a bit rich when cold but thats about it?

We could meet up 2moro if you wanted mate, i could drive to you. Sooner rather than later cos this is really doin me in and could really do with laying this to rest :roll: