

Staff member
4 pages of crap about a little badge :der: Does it really matter what's on the front of the car...................................as long as its not a GTR badge :lol:
That's a good point, and I'd lost sight of it. ;-)

geoff pine

Well-Known Member
The only thing left is for some one to say I have one pm me ( I'm going to try to rip you off buy keeping the price I want to charge you a secret ) :lol:And NO I'm not selling one


Staff member
There's no confusion in that.
You've got the choice of Nissan or the P (like the phase I Vs phase II fronts).
A selection of options for the rear stickers (obviously he others are for different models of the Pulsar).

Let me guess, it's a model of a Pulsar that you can make into a GTi-R if you want... or a standard one?


theres a guy around where i live got a almerra the 2001 shape.. right so its blk, tinted, bodykit (who on earth made a kit for them),big alloys, sound system subs etc andddd wait for it... yesss...yesss a GTR BADGE!! on the front!!he must not be well.:der:

i must be missing something because his bird is F****N FIT... stu666 do u pull chicks with this badge ?? if soo then maybe just i might get one 8)


Active Member
Oh feck yeh! GTR is the way to go man!! :)
I have had a robin, black bird, blue tits... the list goes on.