Escort turbo Vs Evo VID



dobby said:
LOL ****ers.

I have to agree they didn't come across as the most intelligent individuals did they :doh: :shock: :der: .

No wonder people think that those of us that have modded cars are nothing more than pond life :doh: :oops: , I was embarrassed for them :cry: .



Active Member
Is it me or, is all that power in a light front wheel drive car a total waste of time ?!

Why the hell would you want to wheelspin a car at 60mph ? Is it because all the girls at McD's love it so much ?! :doh:
You'd never be able to use all the cars power on a dry road, let alone a wet one.

I guess it's just me but, I don't find worrying for my life, everytime I take a car out for a drive, any fun, let alone a 'rush'.

davey red.r said:
in the 20yr ive been into performance cars ,ive never seen a 400hp rs turbo powered cvh

did you have a cosworth engine in it if not can you share the spec of your rs with us all im intregued

it wasnt a CVH i never said that.

i wouldnt waste my time massivly tuning a acient engine like a CVH

it was a 2litre CGi (focus WRC) engine, and well known
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