


i cant believe people are checking how much fuel the car uses:shock:

all performance cars are crap on fuel full stop, if you think the R is bad then get a scooby and see what those bastads guzzle:lol:

by checking it youll only depress yourself and make yourself sell the car:lol: :lol:

but whilst on subject i worked mine out at doing 6-8mpg on a track which is quite shocking really.
otr, at a guess, around 15-20 to the gallon with normal driving


New Member
fubar andy said:
Motorway driving (full tank) 250-300 miles
Urban (full tank) 200miles
Hard driving - 20ltrs = 39miles

sounds about right, most ive got was 312 miles going down to devon driving like miss daisy!


Active Member
:lol: I was waiting for all the ''its a performance car it uses what it uses'' and the even more annoying ''if you're not well off enough to run one of these cars then sell it'' comments.

I understand that these cars use a lot of fuel, I understand that they're performance vehicles, and yes I can afford to run it. My question is from the perspective of whether it is burning too much, and would that cause a problem to the car - does serious overfueling cause problems... as I was under the impression it does. There is also the other point of view of if you can improve economy in line with increasing performance, why not do it... to not do so would actually be extremely stupid.

Anyway, moan over.


New Member

That should depress people even more, I average 25mpg which I think is brilliant for a car with around 300bhp as its an everyday car, thats a mixture of full beans and normal driving, its almost impossible to drive a Pulsar normal all the time, boost is way too addictive.


i agree with what some one said about it being a performance car and isnt designed to gibe amazing mpg. i was just curious to compare to be honest.
and of course if it was running too rich as well. thank you all for your input.

Fast Guy

Staff member
I went for a little drive yesterday, about 570miles according to my speedo:shock: in 12.5hours.

On the way there I did 260miles (Esso sul) to just over E before I thought I better put some more fuel in, so I put 10 litres (Total 97ron) in until I could find a Shell garage to fill up.
On the way back I did 280miles on the tank before I put another 10litres (Esso sul) in, 5 miles from home. The gauge was reading below E, but the light never came on.

It ran fine on all fuels and didn't miss a beat.

In total I put 87 litres in for the day, so that works out at over 29mpg:shock:

I was cruising at motorway speeds;-) most of the day, but stuck in traffic on the motorways for a long time on the way back:evil:

Why are people struggling with their mpg when I can do that on an RB box?


Out here in Japan, I see between 13-17 MPG, on average. It's pretty much always city driving though.

As far as the "M" in MPG goes, I converted my speedo over to Miles and ran the converter box you guys buy to recal the clocks. Now I'm registered out to 180 MPH (which is a helluva lot more useful than the180 KM/H clock). According to the GPS, my speedo reads 3 mph low at 60 MPH.



South West Regional Rep
My GPS has showed most converted cars I'v been in to over read, but I guess wheel choice has a lot to do with it.


South West Regional Rep
Just worked out I got 26MPG on my last trip with a Roof Rack and my 9"6 longboard on top so a little drag ;)
Came across this thread two weeks ago so decided to see what my does!

Not used the car in ages but last few months been driving a fair distance most days in it.

So put 40 litres in it week last thursday, same again last thursday and the results are:

Courtesy of Road Trip lite on my iPhone;


£1.049 per L
234 miles


I did drive it quite hard on one of the trips, so maybe of seen in the 30's Happy with that, my missus 1L yaris doesnt do that much more!!


I managed 32mpg going to newquay this year, just made it on one tank but that was avearage speed of 60-70. I thought that was pretty good, but im only running about 285hp @ 1 bar. Round town i dont get much better than 200 miles on a tank, is that pretty good?