Garage wrote my 'R' off yesterday


New Member
Obtain as much evidence as you can and keep it in a folder for a while so there are no come backs on this. The last thing you want in this day and age to is for him to turn around to you and say that its your fault lol.

If he's hit a tree then i'd be pretty certain he has bent the chassis leg unfortunately. It doesn't mean its un repairable but probably for an insurance company it will be classed as not financially viable to repair and put back on the road so like you say a total loss :(

Good luck mate.



Total loss is fine. I would like to buy it back if possibly. We will see.



Active Member
I'd get on to the insurers about wanting to buy it back dont wait for it to go to a salvage yard as we rape high performance cars in a salvage yard like vultures there will be nothing left of it in a day and the forklift will most likely **** the underside of it moving it about.

I reckon your looking at a cat b mate :(

lucky if its a cat c is the suspension fooked ?


New Member
If that happened to my car the garage would no longer be standing just a big pile of ashes. Make sure you take this bloke to the cleaners try and obtain witnesses to clarify the bloke drives like a prick. Kev.


This is why I never leave my car at a garage ever, I don't mind it being at the tuners because I know only the boss man would drive it and he has a 500 bhp evo so no problem.

I'd be down there have a gentle word with him Grrrr.



New Member
That's shocking!! I'm lucky that I get my pal's garage to do all the work for me so I know that they take good care of my car, I even don't mind dropping it off at his house and letting him drive it there and back because I know he wouldn't drive it like a pr*ck!

Let the dust settle mate, maybe for a few months or so then torch the f*cking place down or a nice little nail bomb under his car will teach him a lesson. :-D


Active Member
Odin said:
This is why I never leave my car at a garage ever.

That's exactly why I do all the work on mine myself or, stand over anyone else who maybe doing any!

Sorry to here this mate. Personally, I'd let the insurance comapny deal with the vehicle loss and go after the garage owner with a compensation claim. And start adding up the bills for what this inconvenience has cost you since the day of the incident.

As for the damage, it's in no way structural but, as it's uneconomical to repair, it will be a category D write off.
Check out this link:

I hope you get this sorted quickly and 100% to your satisfaction bud.



cant believe he used the brakes as an excuse for his crap driving:evil: what a fcuking halfwit:roll:
he would have been better to have turned round and said 'sorry mate ive just wrecked your car, im a cnut, but il do my best to make sure your fully covered and do well from the claim' instead of coming out with crap excuses like that!

touch wood! ive never had the misfortune of whacking a customers car, although one i was driving once got rear ended whilst i was stationary at lights.
the geezer must have been driving like a total **** to do that kind of damage.
the cars deffo salvage now, uneconomical repair.
hope you get all your money back and make a few squid on top, and as everyone else as stated 'buy the salvage back off them' good luck with it steve!


sorry to see your car like that mate what a a***hole to drive it like that then lie about it.What garage did you take it to i live in the cambridge area and had problems with c***s thrashing mine about


I have added some crash scene pics to the botton of the page of the car. 30mph my ****!!!!! just think how much speed would have been scrubbed off by the Kerb!! The angle is all wrong too. The owner drives Evos and Type R's all the time.



I took it to Head Racing Developments in witchford near Ely.


omg so sorry to see what they have dont to motor did you buy the car from leicester as it has a street racers sticker in the window i know the owner of streetracers it was a nice looking car hope you get every penny out of them mate :shock:


Still waiting on some shims!
modifiede36m3 said:
I have added some crash scene pics to the botton of the page of the car. 30mph my ****!!!!! just think how much speed would have been scrubbed off by the Kerb!! The angle is all wrong too. The owner drives Evos and Type R's all the time.


So those skid marks through the grass were made by freewheeling through with failed brakes!! JOKE!! :evil:

davey red.r

New Member
i think you can rule the kojak tyres out, as theres no skid marks on the road,
unless hes been fiddling with something radio etc,
and hasnt been alert:doh: 30 mph who the fu*c does he think he is kidding, mate if i was you. i would cut his oxogen supply off ,sorry to hear of your bad news:cry:



ive heard about his driving from there one of my mates has had some work done there and he said he would never go back.he wasnt do 30-40 there like everyone else said and its a straight road which makes it bit harder to belive


good name and shame. Its surprisingly common this. I remember reading a lad (24 at the time) just bought himself a new lotus exige and took it to a garage in galashiels for a valet so that it looked nice and shiny - he returned an hour later to discover it had been wrote off :eek:

Unlike yourself m8 he had to wait months for their insurance to sort him out as they tried to say it happened when they moved the car from one part of the garage to the other-no1 admitting fault etc etc!! The whole back end was wrecked :lol: :lol: the guy clearly lost it round a bend - so they must have hurried to get the car towed back to garage so they could start their lies :(

Unlucky m8 but atleast they have admitted fault and got the ball rolling for you to be in your next R :) good-luck

that second last pic is quite a funny one - its like he was aiming for the tree - like look at all that free space on either side of it and the way the tracks bend at the last minute :lol: :lol:
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Active Member
the twat that did that to your motor wants his face kicking in,am sure there is a few folk on here that would gladly give him a slap,including me.


im sorry to hear that mate, ive been in the motor trade for 9 years and ive only seen one accident with one of our mechanics driving and he was T boned on a roundabout.

its blatenly obvious that they werent driving at 30-40mph towards a T junction(even tho it looks like a 30mph speed limit area) so they shouldnt have been doing that speed anyway.

i think your best bet is to sort out compensation for being with out your car reguardless of weather you have another, sort the claim with the insurance company, try and buy back your old car if that is what you want, then name and shame the company online and try and get the local papers involved so he realy looses his customers

realy hit him where it hurts, in the pocket