gtir 2007 calender



Okay i have a business partner who can do the 2007 gti-r calender, please note it will be a jiont photo calender from nissangtir modifiers club and gtiroc.

calender prices will be out soon, hoping for all to be ready 3rd week in dec to be posted out.

calender will have high quality pictures of cars

to enter please send your pictures (please note poor quality pictures will not be put up for voting)

in a weeks time, voting will last for 2 days

finally top 12 pictures will be shown and used for the calender

so send your pictures to

please add name site your under spec etc

one picture per enterant please


Fire & skill said:
where is the artist :)
Good question!!!

Surely,even if it means being a week or 2 late into January we could get it sorted.

Is anyone interested then or what???

All it needs is a bit of a shove to get the ball rolling!!!!


Fire & skill

Vintage member
mind you IIRC i think only ten people bought calenders last year, poor guy was prob way out of pocket, it was a really bad show :oops:

mind you i bought one 8)

even if i got it halfway through Jan i'd still be up for buying one again.

should we start a poll?


New Member
Where's your shed in the picture Stumo;)

Good to see a few Red R's in there as well 8)

...but good to The Artist has come back to the fourm and he is going to try and sort out a Calendar for us.



Active Member
My shed is still in the flippin garage, hopefully not for long.....

I put the Terrano on the's running 1 Bar but unfortunately they couldn't get a rpm figure and so couldn't give me a torque figure.


Still waiting on some shims!
GTiR_Mic said:
Just blame Rishi ;) :lol:


Feck off and go check out the Artist's Post... :lol:

I've been busy working on other things which will all come to light very shortly..



New Member
I'd be up for a 2007 calender can we get it done can we get a proper post up to gauge some intrest and get some photos up to look at?