gtir 2007 calender


keggles2001 said:
I'd be up for a 2007 calender can we get it done can we get a proper post up to gauge some intrest and get some photos up to look at?

Id be definately interested even if half of January has already passed,
could put a group shot in Jan's anyway so your not really missing too much???

I bought one last year....and not just cos my car was in it either(April8) )

No offence to the Modifiers but i would prefer an OC Calendar:thumbsup:

Anyone else??????


Fire & skill

Vintage member
at least the OC calender didnt mean travelling 20 odd miles to pay into a particular bank :?

maybe paypal doesn't exist anymore? :?

no disrespect to the modifiers calender either - it looks a good job, but i would rather have had an OC calender


New Member
I don't have to travel 20 miles to pay in at the bank but it is still a ball ache i think they would sell more if they used paypal,it just makes life easy for everyone


New Member
Andrew, is there no way you can set up a PayPal account to accept payment.

i struggle to get away from work to get to a bank to pay my own bills let alone make a payment for a calender.



LOU ROB said:
Just pay via online banking ;-)


Why does everyone have to have paypal????

online banking???
telephone banking?????
or post cash to me?????

it can't be that hard ??????

If you really want one you would pay....
So if you want one and any one else you have the options....

okay the calender will start going into production once we get some orders, speaking to the designer today.

Prices are as follows

£10 per calender
£2.50 packaging and postage
Total=£12.50 per calender

You need to go into a Barclays Bank
Pay over the counter into the following account

SORT CODE= 209821
ACC NUM= 10594350

When you have paid either pm andrew or email me

When you paid
Which area you paid
Your name and address for calender to be sent
Give or take 2-3 weeks for delivery, before Christmas the earlier you pay up.

Cheers guys gust.


nice one guys now sold 20 calenders, need some more orders, come on, they are great christmas presseys for yourself...
The samples look good too.....


Active Member
you'd still sell more if you took paypal.

i don't do on-line banking,
the nearest Barklays is a flippin pain to get to,
and i can't be arsed walking to the post office to get a postal order,
no way i'd post cash cos of the theiving bastids in the post office

hmmm, looks like i won't be getting bother.


okay after the orders will possibly just have about 10 left so if you want one let me know