Help Me



I am a car importer. My agent travels to japan and buys cars for my company. Normally we sell subarus but Recently we have bought our second nissan pulsar gti-r.
However it seems that there is something wrong with it. Because we don't normally sell pulsars i cant say what the problem is.
1 - The car smokes when the accelerator is pressed heavily. This smoke is white but it smells like petrol.
2- There is a jingling noise coming from the engine when the accelerator is pressed.
3- The battery doesn't charge but that is a different problem because the battery could be faulty.
4- The water coolant liquid is brown.

Please could you tell mewhat is wrong keeping in mind:
1 - this car has been parked up for 3 months prior to being imported.
2 - There is only abit of petrol in the tank which is petrol from japan.
3 - The car has not been serviced yet.


New Member
Fastcar Imports said:
I am a car importer. My agent travels to japan and buys cars for my company. Normally we sell subarus but Recently we have bought our second nissan pulsar gti-r.
However it seems that there is something wrong with it. Because we don't normally sell pulsars i cant say what the problem is.
1 - The car smokes when the accelerator is pressed heavily. This smoke is white but it smells like petrol.
2- There is a jingling noise coming from the engine when the accelerator is pressed.
3- The battery doesn't charge but that is a different problem because the battery could be faulty.
4- The water coolant liquid is brown.

Please could you tell mewhat is wrong keeping in mind:
1 - this car has been parked up for 3 months prior to being imported.
2 - There is only abit of petrol in the tank which is petrol from japan.
are you serious?


A) if you import jap cars, then surely your agent gets good quality cars? this soundsa bit :roll:

b) how about new battery/some 98 octane fuel/ oil change

the engine sounds thou its fooked


i think i wll have to. Normally his cars seem to be orite. I think hes probably bought a cheap car without much consideration and blown the rest of my money. The subarus we buy are always in excellent condition. He is still in japan until the 21st of december. I have talked to him over the phone.
He assures me it was alright in japan. He says that it maybe because of there being less petrol in the tank which is causing it to smoke due to all the crap getting into the fuel system. And that because it han't ran for 3 months.
Could I trust him.


I am hoping it is not the turbo. The smoke also smells quite funny sort of like petrol. Could this smoke be related to any other reasons such as starting the car for the 3rd time after three months or anything else.How do I sort the pinking out.


The funny smelling smoke could possibly be a blown headgasket, the smell could be the antifreeze being passed through the combustion chamber. If the smell is quite sweet/damp then that would be the path I would be looking down :wink:
Dought that it would be the turbo, you would normally get a blue haze to the smoke where it is burning engine oil internally :!:


Shit I hope it ain't. The smell is that of petrol. The car only smokes when i floor the gas. If i drive normally no smoke comes out.
Apart from checking if the fuel or water how can i tell if the heads gone.


The most popular way to check on whether or not you have a headgasket fault is to carry out a block test, a block test is something that your half decent local garage would be able to do in 5 mins. It is a blue die which would turn green or yellow depending on the severity of the fault.
And the good news is that it is a simple job to do :!:

one Gti-R

Mate I suggest dropping the oil, doing a radiator flush, change the battery and or alternator, get rid of the stale fuel, clean the injectors, run the car for about 350miles and do it all again.

Also a change of the plugs leads, rottor button and dizzy wouldn't hurt as well.

How does the car react when hitting boost ?? is it holding boost ??? I assume it is because you didn't mention that as a problem therefore I would rule out it being a turb problem.


The car was imported on my behalf by my agent who normally is excellent. He however assures me the problem is due to it being parked up, stale fuel etc...


New Member
Fastcar Imports said:
The car was imported on my behalf by my agent who normally is excellent. He however assures me the problem is due to it being parked up, stale fuel etc...
thikn its blagging that one,

try as the guys say and see how you go 8)


Yeah i can tell he is lying. So if my turbos gone what will it cost and if my gaskets gone what will it cost.


To be honest, untill you give it a general service and run UK fuel through it, its very hard to comment.

If i was asked to guess... you sound like you have a bad example.

Mine sat for about 3 months before i bought it, ran fine after being left to idle for 5 min.

If its smoking after a good service, you got a problem.

The cost of both jobs will vary a huge amount depending where you source a turbo and who does the work, if its head gasket, theres no slipping the belt off quick to get the head off as its chain driven.


I have to say that you can by the sounds of it rule out the turbo failure as you would be blowing out a blue colour smoke as previously stated which yours is not, as for the price for a replacement headgasket I would think that you would be looking at quite a few quid unfortunately :roll:
The book time for such a job is approximately 11 hours + :shock:

one Gti-R

Head gaskets isn't that bad 11 hours :shock: I don't think so i could change a head gasket in my backyeard quicker than that.

2 hours to drop the engine maybe 3 if you haven't done it before. if you have a access to a hoist even better, drop the engine 30mins-1 hour getting the gearbox, transfree case, clutch and flywheel.

put the engine on an engine stand rocker cover off, get the head off new gasket head back on 30 minutes being generous,

box and other parts back on 1 hour

put enigne back intot car re connect everything 2-3 hours.

job done.

8 hours MAXIMUM


No that is the book time to do the job, ie: that is what a garage would charge you in labour so it doesn't make any odds if it can be done any quicker as that is the repair time given by Nissan :roll:
Looks like you just made yourself 3 hours bonus mate, maybe you should go work for Nissan :lol:
By the way it looks like you forgot to overhaul the cylinder head thouroughly for cracks so you can add another 2 hours to your repair times for removal of the valves etc :wink:

heaven is a gtir (bry)

I think it will be the head gasket cos you mention the fact that the water is brown. :roll: Unlucky mate. like someone said give it a good service and run it for a couple of hundred miles and then do it again see how you get on then. also do a compression test it should be around 150 per chamber. Close your eyes and get someone else to read out the results for you, i couldnt look when we did mine on saturday. It was ok though. :D

Good luck. 8)