JTS Pulsar pics


Southeren Ireland Regional Rep
gtirx2 said:
Yep i saw the black r there too,like you say the que was a joke later in the day and the dam bikes seem to take priority most of the time,still i think some of them bike was running 7-8 sec qtr's at 195mph i think i saw one:shock:
some quick cars and bikes there ok have lots of vids of us at the pod ill get them up asap :thumbsup:

red reading

Active Member
yep had a look at the car,and i like the colour it suit's the car ,look's better in the flesh than the picture's


Southeren Ireland Regional Rep
red reading said:
yep had a look at the car,and i like the colour it suit's the car ,look's better in the flesh than the picture's
tanx m8 i was going 2 put a carbon bonnet on but i dont no if it would suit it or not

red reading

Active Member
it would look nice with a carbon bonnet,i'm getting mine laquered red so in certain light's the car still look's red,but close up you will be able to see the carbon,could do you's like that with the green


New Member
I think you may find the last ones shown are the OZ Ultraleggra's.

From memory the wheels were Team Dynamics.
