One thing after another..



well thats something

ive nothing against spikey, ive never even met him or spoke to the fella and everyone makes a fcuk up from time to time but seriously jon you should take this as a warning!
next time it could be someones neck on the line through a major part thats not been tightened or fitted correctly


Well-Known Member
I think I would rather give the car to a 5 year old and a fisher price tool set!
One of my mates always says "theres nothing more dangerous than an idiot with a tool kit" this thread just proves that :lol:

battery tray was screwed into floor In the boot with actual screws which screwed into nothing
:shock: The other stuff can be put down to shonky workmanship but thats just plain dangerous, imagine that flying around the car in the event of an accident :der:


Well-Known Member
Seems to me that Warrington is rouge trader country, having seen some horror's on cars from there from rubbing brake pipes due to not being secured to injector wires araldited on to the terminals with no plugs. I think I would rather give the car to a 5 year old and a fisher price tool set!

Lol, I guess your talking about my car. It is in safe hands now, that's all I have to say on the matter. :lol:


Well-Known Member
Certificates aren't required any more for lpg conversions unfortunately so it means lots of conversions getting done without being checked by someone qualified, I personally have refused to check and certify every conversion that has come in after being fitted by someone else as it's impossible to check everything properly and it's just not worth the risk.


Well-Known Member
Sounds like it could have been much worse had you not checked the work and luckily it wasn't suspension/brake work.
Not much consolation when your having to fork out twice for what sounds like simple work I know but hey every cloud n all that...

red reading

Active Member
Lol, I guess your talking about my car. It is in safe hands now, that's all I have to say on the matter. :lol:
No I wasn't actually, I have had 3 cars go thru my hands from them. But I did see yours and some of that was it right do it once!

They actually put crimp plugs on your wires.....then araldited them!:lol:


Active Member
he is only doing that because he still has stuff to sell i.e his car if he didnt try and smooth things over his parts would be much harder to sell.

You live and learn but atleast you had a battery sort of in the boot the fecker Leon nicked my whole alloy box lol get it sorted and you will soon leave that behind.

As for spikey thats just a ****s trick and what comes around goes around


Seems to me that Warrington is rouge trader country, having seen some horror's on cars from there from rubbing brake pipes due to not being secured to injector wires araldited on to the terminals with no plugs. I think I would rather give the car to a 5 year old and a fisher price tool set!
your bang on right their, you've also had the like's of dp motorsport, which became dd

warrington more like robbington

johnny gtir

Well-Known Member
Better than nothing but why dose he keep doing it ?.Compensation is admitting been wrong lets hope he learns from this and stops working on peoples cars. If he is a welder stick to that. Imagine he fitted parts that did not require the car needing mapped you would know nothing untill it was to late expensive risk and how do you prove by then it was his work. Working on anything inc these cars i check anything i do several times