Pulsars in Australia


New Member
I was in Australia last week (Perth) and did not see one GTIR, I know that there is someone on this forum from Perth so I was wondering if they could help clear this up.

Was in an import garage looking at cars and asked the guy if he could get me a GTIR, his reply was "Theres none of them in Western Oz, you can't import them into the country anymore.

I know that its not true that there isnt any in western oz because of the person on this site, but what about not being able to import them into Oz?

He did say if you own the car for more than a year and are moving there you can bring it in with you.


it could be true what he said there are that many new laws its untrue maybe they have stop impoting them into aus because off how much it finally cost to get it there and put it throw different test and rules the finaly cost could be to much :-D :-D


New Member
Guy from my work is from New Zeeland and he mentioned that if it is over 10 years it won't get into the country along with anycar that have flood damage or crash damage.



New Member
Your prob talking about me son. Where abouts in Perth were you?
I've not heard anything about not being able to import them anymore. I've definitley seen a few around north of perth in Wangara at the importers.

With regarrds the one year rule you were talking about. As long as you've owned the car for 1 year+ you can bring it over with you pending permission of course. You can't import any car made after 1989 unless you've owned it for a year.



New Member
Think it must have been you I was talking about! I was in the city centre, my old boy stays on Murray street.

What kind of test does it need to go through when it gets there??


New Member
WA's not to bad. I think it has to be stock to get through originally. Not sure what you'd have to change, prob best to speak to an importer with regards to that.
Good thing about WA is there's no yearly MOT. As long as you pay the rego you'd never have to take it over the pits unless the coppers yellow sticker you or you go for mod permits.


New Member
My dad was telling me about this yellow sticker thing, if your cheeky to the police do they not put it on squinty so that the test centre will look right over your car for faults?

Is there any noise restrictions with exhausts?

What do you mean by mod permits??

Cheers mate,

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Yeah there is noise restrictions in Australia, I can only talk about the East Side though. I am from Brisbane, Queensland and you have to be under 90dB. I know of a few R's that are a bit louder than that (including mine) but we don't have many issues.

As for them not being able to be bought into Australia, this is not true. I believe they are still coming in and being complied as we speak, though I don't think as many are coming in now days as they used to. I know there are at least 10 GTiRs in WA/Perth and probably closer to triple that number too.

As for Mod Permits, for things like fixed back seats and roll cages etc. You need a mod plate from an Engineer to state that the mods are both legal and safe and compliant with ADR (Australian Design Rules). I hope I have answered a few of your questions.


Active Member
Same as new zealand except there is no noise limit except if the coppers think its too loud plus every single mod has to be certified if you have more than 25 % power than original (no bucket seats allowed, no rollcage allowed, no harness allowed unless it meets FIA rules and your car is motorsport registered) things in the uk were so easy sometimes!!!
I have to get mine certed soon oh i cant wait!!!


New Member
--AFAIK-- Cars from Japan that are imported into Australia have to be "complied". This meaning parts have to be changed like replacing the thin jap seat belts for butch aussie ones to conform with aust regulations and is done before registration. The only people who can do this is people who have a licence to comply the specific vehicle and can only comply a low volume of these cars. Early on from the 90's to early 200 and something there was only one place in Australia (in melbourne) that had a licence to comply the gti-r, and they we charging ridiculous amounts of money for the car to be complied. Thats one of the reasons there isnt that many gti-r's in Aust (as much as there are in th uk).


If you move to AUS and bring you own car with you, Does it still need to comply ?, Seeing as its not an import but your own car that you've owned for years.



New Member
Afraid so Odin. You'd still have to do all the necessary changes ie seat belts, speedo etc.
I think the car also has to be in stock form to get complied.


there are a fair few gtirs around western oz.
theres not many around just that australia is big place and is less common to see them. in canberra where i am there is only about 11 gtirs all up i think.
maybe less.
GTIR can be imported still. compliance is just making the car meet australian motor vehicle standards.


sha663r said:
I think the car also has to be in stock form to get complied.

That would count my car out of having any chance of coming over with me then :doh: :cry: , How does the law stand if I just brought over all the up rated bits in boxes like the engine/gearbox and turbo/manifold set up.



i pretty sure put your car back to stock then it should be alright and ship over parts and put on once over. or you could just get it all engineered to say its legal and safe and then wouldnt have to worry about it.


Staff member
MORF114 said:
Odin are you thinkin of moving to australia?
First Canada now Australia :der: :roll: make your mind up Rob :lol: Then again anywhere is better then here !


MORF114 said:
Odin are you thinkin of moving to australia?

No not yet but we are thinking about it for maybe 5 years time, My wife has just turned down a second attempt from her company to get us to move to Vancouver which is a real shame, But the offer wasn't good enough so she's leaving the company now.



i was in oz for 3 months, as a scouting trip with a view to emigratring, when i was with the ex wife!
we went to brisbane, sydney, melbourne, adelaide and perth.
out of all those places i thought perth was the best, as its still being built up. and they were crying out for skilled mechanics, builders etc, so there was loads of work and property was cheap.
where as sydney and the east side was more like london and surrounding areas, wgich were already built up, with very ltd work opportunities!

i loved the place, except for the ridiculous nanny state laws that are applied there, eg you cant even ride a skateboard or roller skate unless you wear suitable clothing and a helmet:shock: and you will get nicked for it too!
we met a couple who had been there 3 years and the guy who was a keen biker said to me, 'if you have a good social life in the uk, like going down the local boozer with your mates, like going out on the twisties on your bike or in your car, like eating your christmas dinner round a table, with your family with the open fire going, and generally like to have fun' Then this isnt the place for you:shock:
he absolutely detested the place, but his wife loved it:?

i was nabbed 3 times, twice for speeding and once for not wearing a seatbelt, in the time i was there:sad: im not whining about being caught as it is there laws afterall, but decided due to this fact that it really was'nt for me, although the missus at the time loved it!

this thread is just another highlight of the many laws there, that you dont hear about here, which are imo stringently enforced! and was the main reason why i decided to not go, even though i had reached the points quota for acceptance etc, plus the other half was getting on my tits, and i didnt fancy moving away from my family only to be stuck with her week in and out, moaning away constantly:roll: she would have made good shark bait:lol:

without sounding like a braggard, ive been to many countries all over the world, and have lived in a few of them, for a while, whilst trying to start various businesses, and its only then that you truly find out how weird and stringent some of the laws really are in these so called better places, truly is mind boggling:shock:

but other than canada (which i loved) people do not realise how easy they have it in this country, and how many things you can actually achieve and get away with at the same time:lol: so its not as bad as people think it is, here! although it may seem so sometimes:roll:

if your thinking of emmigrating rob, please take a small tip from me, and go to where ever you are thinking of going first, for a minimum of a month (not as a holiday) but as a scouting trip (worth the cost);-) and weigh up the whole place in general, including the people that you meet and deal with! you wil see a different picture all together. As with a holiday, you only see the good bits and its easy to get suckered in, to the sun, beach and easy going lifestyle, as so many do!
it cost a lot of money to emmigrate, as you would be very aware, and it is not so easy to get back if either you or your missus dont like it.
you also have to be 100% that you both like it equally, as it really is a nightmare should one of you's hate it, but keeps there mouth shut as they know the other one loves it, so does'nt want to upset them by saying anything, its a rocky road to ruin.
once you've made the move, then you really are stuffed for years to come, unless you have money in abundance, where getting back will not be an issue to you!


New Member
Times have changed pulsarboby. Perth's now the 2nd most expensive city to buy a house in oz. Median price is $460K approx 200 000 quid :x Perth is also dulsville! Can't think of many cities where everything closes at 5 30 on a weekend.

Rob like has been said you could comply it with the standard parts and then change them all over when complied. It's then upto you if you want to declare them or not but if you don't you risk spending alot of time taking the car over the pits if caught. A bonus is theres no roadworthy for cars in WA. So unless your given a yellow sticker by the coppers, you'll never have to take it over the pits again.

I think there are currently 300+ owners in Aus, although godzilr (kelvin) may be able to shed more light on it.