Reasons and impressions of leaving R ownership...


New Member
Jezcharger- they they don't sound a lot more expensive to run than a Pulsar. Although I too have heard the AYC systems can be costly to fix or replace should they go wrong. I suppose the simple solution would be to buy an RS model that did with AYC.

EVOBAD- so the Evo is marginally quicker in the lower gears whilst the Skyline is quicker in the higher gears. I suppose engine size plays a big part in that especially in stock form. What was the GTR like with petrol consumption? I will prepare myself by sitting down before I read your response:lol:

Rob- what size wheels were you using on your Pulsar? I take it that it was a bit wild in the wet then with 500bhp?! Does your new Scoob have a DCCD to enable you to manually decide the torque split between the front and rear wheels? If only such a device was available for Pulsars...

leemh- I'd never say never to a Focus RS (assuming you are talking about the old(er) version) but they dont really float my boat in all honesty. I am however impressed that they have forged internals as standard, more boost ahoy! If you had have mentioned an Escort Cosworth then that would be a different matter;)


New Member
good point on the focus nice car but performance is crap,believe it or not the fuel consuption is similar to the evo as is pulsar so no worries there,if you do go the gtr route get one with stage one mods -

indution kit
boost controller

should see 400bhp & bullet prof at that

am thinking of getting r33gtr next local garage has 560bhp one on forcourt so evo 6 might be on its way


New Member
Rob- the reason I asked is because some of the older shaped Scoobs (McRae era) such as the WRX Type RA have a DCCD as a feature of the car. I have been looking at videos of them on YouTube and with the setting presumably sending most of the power to the rear wheels it looks like they can be quite fun;)

EVOBAD- my car isn't used everyday so fuel consumption is low on my list of priorities. I only asked out of interest but it is good to know they are about as economical as the Pulsar, can anything be any worse?!:lol: Thanks for the GTR adivice, time will tell if I decide to go down that route...


New Member
It sounds like the new Scoob has a few toys to keep you amused for a while! The DCCD (if that is what it is called on newer Scoobs) being the best! I'd be interested to see the differences it makes to the feel of the car...


I sold my Pulsar three months ago after five years of ownership. I loved the car to bits and convinced myself I had to keep ploughing through all the grief and constant worry, because the car was "part of me". I really enjoyed the shows and social side which came with 'R ownership, but, over the last year I owned her, their were little signs telling me that I should move on. The final straw was a garage providing a service which was shocking to say the least.

I sold it for a good price, with the intention of getting an Evo 5 or a R33. But, after much soul searching I could see myself going down the same road again. Starts with just a exhaust, then comes a filter, some new wheels as a treat etc. Before you know it, your constantly on the net serching for new ideas, with all your money tied into a car which takes over your life.

I could never drive a"normal" car.. you cant after owning a pulsar, but decided to compromise. Ended up with 53 plate Leon Cupra R.

I never thought a change in car would affect me so much. Im so much happier now! Owning a car like a pulsar defines you and to some extent pigeon holes you as a person. I have more dispossable income, able to ferry family/friends about and simply enjoy driving again.


Active Member
I sold my gtir and bought a r33 gtr, didnt like that much. It may off been good but i would off needed to spend thousands onit. Then i bought an escort cosworth which i had always wanted. I found that too heavy and old and rattliy. I now own a evo 6. And its the only one i prefer over the gtir. still miss my gtir though.

Uncle Winnet

New Member
i sold my r 4 years ago was runing 341bhp loved it but i need a 4 dr so got an evo 5 rs loved that as it was just so quick in standerd form would keep up with my mates 5 gsr that was runing 350+bhp

top end was shit as it only did 130 but got there so quick and the handling was spot on

sold that for a 6 gsr with 432bhp with lots off mods very good car till it spat a rod out off bed

had to spend 5k on it but then it did pull just short of 600bhp once maped

sold that as i got made a good offer on it

have now got 5 gsr runing 310bhp just geting the bits togthere to take it to 500bhp as i think thats about right for an ever day evo

cant see me selling up as there is no 4dr car to mach it

but if i do sell up it will be when i dont need 4drs i will get a nobel m12



Hi guys,

Iv not been on here for a few years after selling my R, had to re-register (new e-mail and what not) The reason i sold my R was because i fancyed a change (big mistake in my opinion) Here is a spec of the cars i had after the R.

2.0 16v nova (as a stop gap)

clio v6

200bhp civic jordan

2003 impreza wrx

Non of these cars gives the same feeling as the R, maby the v6 comes close but the R still comes out on top. My advice, if you if you like your R as much as i did get a run about which is what iam planning to do.


New Member
stu. said:
Hi guys,

Iv not been on here for a few years after selling my R, had to re-register (new e-mail and what not) The reason i sold my R was because i fancyed a change (big mistake in my opinion) Here is a spec of the cars i had after the R.

2.0 16v nova (as a stop gap)

clio v6

200bhp civic jordan

2003 impreza wrx

Non of these cars gives the same feeling as the R, maby the v6 comes close but the R still comes out on top. My advice, if you if you like your R as much as i did get a run about which is what iam planning to do.
Alright Stu, long time no speak, how are things?


Ye its been awhile, so long i forgot my username :doh: things are good time to get myself another R i think:lol: whats been happening on here


New Member
PF- thanks for your feedback. I agree with all the points you have made, especially the part about buying another performance car with the intention of keeping it standard when before you know it you have gone down the same modifying path as with the Pulsar. I can see myself doing the same! Its reassuring to know that people have been happy with their decision to sell up and move onto another car. Can you tell me how your Leon Cupra R compares to your Pulsar, handling, power etc? Thanks

chrissniss91- what was it about the R33 GTR that you didn't like? An Escort Cosworth8) very nice indeed. I have read that they are similar in feel to the Pulsar, I suppose what you said about them being rattly confirms this:lol: How did the Escort feel in comparison to your Pulsar? Did they handle on a similar level or was the Escort better? Evo's in their many guises tend to be a popular 'progression' for Pulsar owners, what is it that you makes you prefer it over the Pulsar and why do you miss the R?

Uncle Winnet- another Evo convert! In your opinion how far off the pace would your old 341bhp Pulsar have been compared with the 5 RS, 6 GSR and now your 5 GSR. As an Evo man which would you recommend as being the best for outright performance and the best for everyday running about? Is there much difference between the 5 and 6 in terms of performance? Out of interest and seeing as you probably know the answer to this quite well, how would you evaluate the difference in running costs between the Pulsar and the Evo's?

stu.- what did you think of the Clio V6? I like the Clio's very much although I have heard that they are not much faster than a Clio 172/ 182... What else can you say about the Impreza?

Thanks for the input guys:)


The clio is a great car. Its fast and is very good looking, in my opinion. In the two years of ownership the only problem i had was the ignition coils. Had them repaced under warranty no problem there. The other thing i would consider would be the handling. They are very tail happy, fun but could easily catch you out if you havent got your wits about you:doh:. I would watch about servicing as not many renault dealers have worked on them. Timing belt is nearly £1000:cry:

The impreza i had was a 2003 blobeye wrx sl. An allround every day easy to live with fast car. Compared with the classic impreza the power deliverey is alot smother throughout the rev range, and alot better built. The SL came with full leather heated seats and an electric sunroof. Full history is a must:thumbsup:

cheers stu


Active Member
GTiRlover said:
chrissniss91- what was it about the R33 GTR that you didn't like? An Escort Cosworth8) very nice indeed. I have read that they are similar in feel to the Pulsar, I suppose what you said about them being rattly confirms this:lol: How did the Escort feel in comparison to your Pulsar? Did they handle on a similar level or was the Escort better? Evo's in their many guises tend to be a popular 'progression' for Pulsar owners, what is it that you makes you prefer it over the Pulsar and why do you miss the R?

I did like the gtr except it was a ringer lol, but for me it was more of a motorway cruiser than a rocket that the gtir was. the escort was 420bhp so 60 more than my gtir but it felt very heavy to drive and the gearboxes are awful you couldnt do a quick gear change on the standard box which made it feel slower to me. The evo is 8 years newer than the gtir i had, feels nice and tight, the handling is brilliant it looks great sounds great interior is nice and it feels just as fast as my gtir did.


New Member
stu- was there much, if any, difference in speed between the Clio and your old Pulsar? Did you have a phase 1 or phase 2 model because I remember the phase 1's as having a reputation for very difficult handling... Do you still own the Clio or have you since moved on?

chrissniss91- I'm not sure I could have parted with the Escort if it was mine! Was there much difference in speed between the Escort and the Evo?


I dont have the clio anymore sold it after two years. I had the phase 1, re-mapped upto 250hp. As i said before the veee can catch you out, it really dosent take much. when its wet, either walk or get the bus:lol: there not that bad. I would say the R was faster :thumbsup:


Active Member
GTiRlover said:
chrissniss91- I'm not sure I could have parted with the Escort if it was mine! Was there much difference in speed between the Escort and the Evo?
Well the escort was 420bhp and 410ibft and the evo is 321bhp so the escort was more powerful but because of the crap gearchanges with the cossie box i think the evo may of at least kept up. if it was a 3rd gear rolling then yeah the escort was faster plus i got that big gt30 turbo on there, the evo is almost standard.
I thought when i was looking for one i would never be able to sell it once i got it but after 2 weeks i couldnt wait to get rid.


New Member
stu- a phase one eh? You're a brave man! What was the handling like in the dry, would it still want to put you in a ditch? I remember seeing an advert for them in a car magazine a little while ago. On one side of the page it had the bad points as something like Raw, Aggressive, Uncompromising (or words to that effect) and on the other side of the page under good points it had Raw, Aggressive, Uncompromising! A positive spin on the car's 'drawbacks'. Wicked cars8)

chrisniss91- I suppose that just shows the difference between a modern day car and one that is about 15 years old... I would still like to own an Escort Cosworth but it would be hard to justify paying 15K plus for a good example when 4-5K is enough to buy similar performance in a Pulsar. But as with the Clio V6, I think they're awesome!

Uncle Winnet

New Member
Uncle Winnet- another Evo convert! In your opinion how far off the pace would your old 341bhp Pulsar have been compared with the 5 RS, 6 GSR and now your 5 GSR. As an Evo man which would you recommend as being the best for outright performance and the best for everyday running about? Is there much difference between the 5 and 6 in terms of performance? Out of interest and seeing as you probably know the answer to this quite well, how would you evaluate the difference in running costs between the Pulsar and the evo

pulsar was a bit quicker off the line but evo out handels it by a mile

performance wise the 5 and 6 are the same 5 or 6 rs is the best one if you dont care abot ac ew and all the toys like that oh and the diff will take 500+bhp

runing cost are about the same unless you get a gsr as the ayc will add £100 to the service

fuel mpg is any wear form 18mpg

but i get 28mpg on my round trip to work which is an 90 mile round trip and thats at a steady 70 to 80 mph



New Member
Thanks Uncle Winnet. Its good to know that after the initial outlay of buying an Evo it wouldn't cost anymore to run than my Pulsar. I know I should have done my research here but what are the benefits of AYC? Can you feel the difference driving a car without it? Have you had any reliability issues with any of the Evo's you have owned? Can you describe exactly how the Evo's handle better than Pulsars, less understeer maybe? Are they quite lively in the handling department when the going gets wet?
