running problem please help (update fixed)



well basically engines been rebuilti fitted power fc and 700cc injectors and wen i start the car it goes to 2000rpm for around 4 seconds then drops to 1500 back up to 2000 back down to 1500 its hunting basically i set the feul pressure to 42.5psi the injector settings are set power fc boost controller is set to off any other ideas also wen i rev it its not very responsive????????????????? i suspected an air leak maybe? timing/ fueling? any ideas wud b apreciated

Fast Guy

Staff member
The manual boils it down to 3 things to check.........Exhaust gas sensor, spark plugs or air leak.


i checked the o2 sensor was conected rite about 5 times ive checked plugs 3 times there all te same gaps and are a little fuely each time naturally cnt find any airleaks tho

Fast Guy

Staff member
I'm not totally sure in which way they cause hunting, but I'd assume it's a case of them being faulty internally in someway.

On the Aircraft I used to work on hunting was a sign of a weak mixture.


are you sure you have the right settings for the MAF on the powerfc??


Active Member
this might not help but i,d be concerend if you trying map the car with power fc because it,s frseh engine you don,t want to set ignition to late early, or have it overfuel at this early stage, my advice is go back to standard setup then when you,ve done a few hundred miles on it and it runnig ok then fit the above item ( your choice ofcourse) :wink: :roll: :idea:



yeh i felt the same mate i ent mapping it tho its supposed to have a base map that works well with the car but i think i'll have to refit standard injectors and ecu just to eliminate the power fc


well lastnite i realised that the head to throttle bodies gasket was not fitted grrrrrrrrrr so i spent tonight taking the throttle's and plenum off :evil: to fit the new gasket only to find out the car still does the same it made no difference wat so ever im getting really fucked off with it all now anyone got any ideas still???????????

o and i noticed today that even tho the car is hunting the rev counter dnt seem to b moving acuratly with the revs which has me thinking it cud b summin electrical causing the problem of back to the power fc??????

(i will put standard injectors and ecu back on tomorow nite)


Active Member
Yep. Get the Power FC and restore it all to standard and you'll probably find all is well.

More than likely just a shitey connection. But at least a fresh install will cure this.

At least it's inexpensive - at least in pounds if not in time!!

Unlucky dude.

GeeTee 8)


Active Member
sorry dude.

I know those ScotchLocks will be a pain...


You never know - it could always be something so inconsequential as failed ringlands or twisted crank.. would that be better?

Stop crying you gurl and get your wallet out - you own an R after all!

GeeTee 8)


I had the same problem, Im sure it was the shitty dumpvalve that i was using (sheepdog :wink: ). I even brought a standard recirc valve to eliminate it but i sold the car as it was.


I had the same problem when i fitted the powerfc, it was because I had the wrong settings for the fuel cut. It was something weird like the engine was trying to rev at 1200 rpm, but the fuel recovery didn't start till 1000 rpm so the thing constantly hunted up and down as it cut/started fuel.

Trying looking in the menu that has the rev limits etc and see what the idle settings are set to.


New Member
Like Fastguy says normally it would be an air leak or the o2 sensor can give the same simptoms but as you have other bits fitted that you didnt before the only way is gonna be use the standard bits and if that works you know its the Power FC.

Bit of a 2wat.


well standard ecu and injectors are back in i start it up and it seems ok ish but ticks over at 1500rpm now???????? then after 3/4 minutes it goes back to the hunting grrrrrrrrrr after 10 secs its stopped ect ect i think its electrical??????? bad earth maybe? any thoughts


Active Member
I had this when ND fitted mine, i had it for two months the idle would go up the come down it did my head in i took it back and he sorted it in 5 mins :) But he never said what it was.

At first everyone was saying leave the car idleing for 10mins then turn on all lights etc leave for 10mins to let itself find it self.
I did this about 1000 times Nothing ND sorted it in 5 seconds.
Not much help but it can be sorted maybe a phonecall to Norris


Active Member
i presume the i.a.c was all ok cleaned the pipe lead and coming out of it? did you move the throttle stop screws?
did you clean check all vaccum hoses?
fit new gasket to rear valve to body( short thing at the back near the inlet with electrical connections)
did you move any of the four idle screw on the front of the manifold?
tried adjusting the big screw at the back? at a guess doesn,t sound like electrical problem
